Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh has declared the premises as no vehicle zone during Wednesdays. Chandigarh Commissioner has held the meeting & ordered all their employees to not to come by vehicles in one day a week i.e Wednesday. And it has also been mentioned that despite using Vehicles, the MC employees should peddle & come to office by bicycles.
The fitness of the employees has been the main motive of MC behind this decision in city beautiful Chandigarh. And the order has been mandatory for all employees of MC Chandigarh including Women as well. Although the demand for the same was raised in the year 2015 & it has been passed now at MC office.
MC Chandigarh Goes No Vehicle Zone on Wednesday | Here’s Why?
MC Chandigarh abandoned the use of the vehicle under its premises on Wednesday & has passed the order for the use bicycles on the same day. It has been mandatory for all the employees including officers & women as well to follow the rule. Recently MC Commissioner held a meeting of all HODs of different departments & conveyed the message regarding the use of cycles. Almost 4000 people in Chandigarh have been employed under the civic body.
The main aim behind rendering this kind of decision is to promote cycling in the city that will make employees more fit as of now, which will indirectly result in the better efficiency of the MC employees. Also, he ensures all the HODs to keep eye on the same & submit the reports in a while.
More decisions regarding the ban of Vehicle & reaction of MC employees
Along with peddling decision, Chandigarh MC also ensure the safety of its employees. For all those who come from the outskirts, can travel by Public vehicle on Wednesdays & the one who have medical issues can also be spared from the decision.
Most of the employees have welcomed the decision by the Chandigarh MC & being supportive, whereas some of them said that some more time must be given before the issuing the order. Even some are worried about arranging a bicycle in such short period of time. There have been many employees who even don’t know how to ride a cycle.
Chandigarh MC’s initiative of Peddling has been an amazing one, but let’s see how far it goes. Because apparently its a good start for the environment (less population & less traffic), health (stay fit) & much more. It will maintain the beauty of the city.