Chandigarh MP, Kirron Kher has shaken the authorities in the wake of ongoing issues posed by SC’s orders on ban on liquor serving within 500 metres of any National Highway. Sector 35 and Sector 43 came on NH 21 but as per sources, the exact route of NH 21 that passes through Chandigarh is very confusing.
A proposal to re-route the National Highway passing through Sector 35 and 43 of Chandigarh has been made which might provide the owners and investors of the lounges to have a sigh of relief.
About the Issue
The entire issue post SC’s orders on liquor ban revolved around the fact that majority of restaurants, lounges, bars and microbreweries of Chandigarh city had commercialised and set up at two great locations in Sector 35 and 43 of the city beautiful. Unfortunately, the orders made these places serving liquor shut completely leading to massive monetary losses apart from leaving thousands of employees jobless. Inviting wrath of many and sensitising the entire issue led the government to ponder on the decision taken encore.
Re-Routing of Highway – A ray of Hope.
According to the recent proposal sent to the UT Adviser, stringent action needs to be taken with no further delays in decision making to cater to the genuine demands of antagonist protesters. Furthermore, an RTI was filed to get to the nuances of the route as to what exactly route the highway follows within the city. On developments that are made on the basis of this RTI, it is established that the route is actually not a part of the NH21.
A press release that are procured by hotel associations show that the route doesn’t lie on NH 21 (now new NH 205) that information is derived by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI).
What is the exact route of NH 21?
As per the derived information, the route’s one end lies near Sector 39-56 roundabout of the Chandigarh city which is far off from Sector 35 and 43 both. The route extends up to a T-point near Sector 47,48 of Chandigarh after which it goes till Phase 2 of Industrial Area up till Tribune Chowk finally leading towards Zirakpur area.
Advantages of Re-routing NH 21
Plenty of advantages shall be seen when the re-routing of the National Highway via Chandigarh city takes place. Following is the list of those advantages that would be welcomed by the city residents with open arms:
- Restoration of jobs of employees working at these places
- Monetary loss compensation
- Bringing the nightlife of Chandigarh back
- Re-commercialisation of this sector of industry
- Restoration of around 40 such outlets to take place
- Around 2000 people benefited directly with job reinstatement
Thanking the MP for her decision and efforts in the direction, Chandigarh Hospitality Association gets a sigh of relief and ray of hope for their businesses to flourish in the city beautiful again. All we wish and hope is that concerned authorities take up the matter at priority and provides justice to those who have lost their source of earning bread.
Something is though better than nothing. So, a step ahead towards the move, and a thoughtful one indeed. So, here’s a Cheers to All !!!
Source: HT
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