This goes out to all the Chandigarh youngsters who were angry with the news of Chandigarh Administration banning short skirts in city discs and pubs. Home Secretary of Chandigarh Administration, Mr. Anurag Aggarwal told media persons in a special press conference that Chandigarh Administration or Chandigarh as a city has not banned any kind of women wear or prescribed any dress code for women going to discs in the city.
There’s no doubt that the news of banning short skirts in Chandigarh discs did rounds on the internet all day long. Social media channels like Facebook & Twitter were full of activity in regard to this news and people condemned this action of the Chandigarh Administration. Clarifying the doubt, home secretary said that the media has misinterpreted one of the clause in “Controlling of Places of Public Amusement, 2016” policy.
In actual a ban has been put on discs to use women pictures with indecent clothing on their advertisement material to attract youngsters. According to us, this seems to be a perfect thing as such kind of advertisements often attract anti-social elements and create a curiosity among youngsters.
What the policy reads & how it was misinterpreted
According to one point in the new policy that controls night clubs, bars, pubs and discs of Chandigarh – permission can be denied to a disco owner to run their business if “exhibition or advertisement of scantily dressed women” and “indecency” is found in any of its advertisement.
However the policy does not explain what is covered in “scantily dressed” and “indecency”. This led the media to take a different meaning of the above and the news spread like fire.
So, Chandigarh did not ban short skirts in discs. Everyone who participated in the backlash on social media against this decision should feel pretty happy. It is a fact that any government can not tell us what to wear and what not. It was a shock that the news came from Chandigarh, a city which is considered as a model & ideal city not just in India but in the entire world.
Be happy! You are free to wear anything you like while being in Chandigarh and while visiting discs or pubs. Here a video shot by HT from the press conference which confirmed that there’s no ban on short skirts in Chandigarh discs.
Source: Hindustan Times, Image Credits: 10 DS