Chandigarh gets 2 new trains as announced by Union Railway Minister Piyush Mishra. Now the people of Chandigarh can board these 2 trains from the city railway station itself. Not new trains, but 2 trains have been extended till Chandigarh by the Railway Minister. As per announcement, Firozpur- Ludhiana and Saharanpur-Nangal Dam have been extended to Chandigarh.
Recently Chandigarh Railway Station opened its Platform 1 after the shut down of 36 days. Whereas also, railway authorities have announced to have washable aprons in all the platforms of the Railway Station. Check out more details regarding the 2 new trains from city beautiful Chandigarh below.
Chandigarh Railway Station Gets 2 extended Trains | Know details here
According to the announcement of Union Railway Minister Piyush Mishra, Firozpur- Ludhiana and Saharanpur-Nangal Dam trains have been extended to Chandigarh. Now people can board these 2 trains easily for Chandigarh Railway Station only. As a part of extension the first train, Firozpur-Ludhiana earlier use to be diverted to Ludhiana, but now it will halt in Chandigarh, then Mohali and New Morinda as well. It has been the second train between the City Chandigarh and Firozpur Cantt.
Whereas the second train that has been extended is, Saharanpur-Nangal dam earlier use to bypass Chandigarh, but now halt in the Chandigarh Railway Station by connecting Mohali on its route. Whereas the timing schedule and ticket price of the 2 trains can be checked on the IRCTC and other websites.
The reason to extend these 2 trains to the city beautiful Chandigarh
Indian Railways started with the extension from Gatiman Express, which was first extended to Gwalior from Agra and then again to Jhansi. Although this has been the successful extension of the Railways and now Railways have been planning 22 extensions of trains on various routes.
The main aim of Indian Railways with these extensions is to make use of the asset to the fullest and also to help in the development of the regions. Soon, some more extension in multiple Railway routes and trains will be announced. Till then we hope the extension of these 2 trains to Chandigarh will help the city people with the mode of transportation.