Chandigarh police is planning to get two new anti-riot vehicles (Vajra vans). Built with upto the state art, these vehicles will be armed with advanced technical systems. According to police officials, these vehicles will be a great help to cope with the protesters who block roads in order to disrupt city traffic and also in case of riots.
Currently Chandigarh is having one of these anti-riot vehicles but that is not enough in case of big riots so that a bigger situation can be curbed. Chandigarh police has requested for two new anti-riot vehicles as there has been a noted increase in the number of protesters from the Punjab side. People from Punjab often come to Chandigarh and try to block the traffic on city roads in order to show anger for the government. In all these cases. the agitation is against Punjab Government or Haryana Government but people come to Chandigarh since the city is the capital city of Punjab as well as Haryana.
Chandigarh Police seals the entry points of the city and to do this they need more riot control vehicles. Therefore, the purchasing committee has already passed on the tenders and has invited bids for the vehicles as soon as possible.
Features of Chandigarh’s Anti-Riot Vehicles
The officials have requested that the vehicles should be fitted with multiple shell launchers with seven barrels. These vehicles are a full package of advanced technology and design with inbuilt technical key features including
- These vehicles are capable of operating via electrical as well as mechanical means.
- Fitted with soundless generators.
- Fans and fire extinguishers are also inbuilt in the vehicles.
- LED lights.
- Revolving flood lights.
- Portable stretchers.
- High Quality multiple shell launchers with seven barrels.
Police officials have specially portrayed the need of these vehicles because protesters from Punjab come from three or four entry points and it becomes quite impossible for the police forces to curb the beseeching riots. Moreover, in a city like Chandigarh, which has many rallies and political functions going on all around the year, these machines become a necessity. The protesters generally first target the public property by damaging it in multiple ways and since they generally don’t come in well specified routes, it becomes even more difficult for the fleet of police officials to control them using manpower, hence the necessity and hence the action.
Image Credits: News India Usa.