A Chandigarh Police sub-inspector has been caught by the CBI for taking a bribe of Rs 2 lakh. As per the report, the accused sub-inspector had also taken the SHO’s name while taking the bribe whose role is also under scanner. After the CBI team probing the case caught the Chandigarh police sub-inspector (SI) red-handedly, the SHO whose name has been cropped up in the bribe case has currently been shifted to Police Lines.
Chandigarh police sub-inspector allegedly demanded Rs 9 lakh
As per the report, the sub-inspector (SI) of the Chandigarh police was arrested by CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) officials while allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 2 lakh from the complainant, who is a property dealer. It has been claimed by the CBI officials that the arrested sub-inspector had demanded Rs 9 lakh from the complainant. The team also revealed that complainant has alleged that the sub-inspector used to take the name of Station House Officer (SHO) of Sector 31 Police station while demanding the bribe of Rs 9 lakh. The accuser alleged that the sub-inspector while demanding the bribe of Rs 9 lakh claimed that Rs 8 lakh was meant for the Senior Officer only.
Chandigarh police SI arrested and SHO’s name cropped in bribery case
The Chandigarh police sub-inspector (SI) who was arrested by the CBI officials for taking a bribe of Rs 2 lakh has been identified as Mohan Singh. He was posted at the Sector 31 police station, Chandigarh.
The complainant has alleged that sub-inspector Mohan Singh who was caught by CBI officials while taking bribe from the complainant used to take SHO, Sector 31 police station, Inspector Jaswinder Kaur’s name while demanding Rs 9 lakh from the property dealer. CBI has registered a case under Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act against the accused sub-inspector. CBI also made searches in the sub-inspector house for finding any other objectionable items related to the case.
The case and the complainant who informed the CBI
According to the report, the CBI complainant has been identified as Prem Singh Bisht. Bisht is a financier and property dealer. The CBI complainant has claimed that a case of attempt to murder (Section 307 in The Indian Penal Code) against nine persons was registered at the Sector 31 police station. These nine persons also included three of his employees.
The CBI complainant Bisht alleged that the Chandigarh police sub-inspector, who was also the investigating officer (IO) in the case, had allegedly demanded Rs 9 lakh from Bisht to drop the names of his employees Deepa, Joseph and Anil from the FIR. He also claimed that the SI use to say that Rs 8 lakh was meant for the SHO.
Source: The Tribune