Chandigarh Railway Station has been experiencing rush at the present ticket reservation counters due to more trains being introduced from the city. Passengers have to wait for a long time in a queue to get a ticket to their destination from the reservation counter at the railway station. To solve this problem and give better facilities to passengers travelling from Chandigarh Railway Station, authorities have decided to come up with 8 new ticket booking counters at the railway station premises.
Current reservation counters at Chandigarh railway station:
Currently, there are 4 operational reservation counters at Chandigarh railway station which have been set up in a separate building towards the right hand side of the main entrance. But these 4 counters have not been able to handle the rush. So now, 8 new modern reservation counters will take the total number to 12 making it easy and hassle free for passengers. Moreover, there is just one ticket reservation counter on Panchkula side of the railway station.
However, these 8 new counters have been been put into operation yet (as of April, 2015). But, they are expected to start services soon. The counters have been built but some construction work is pending. The work was halted due to shortage of funds but the things have been sorted out.
These 8 new reservation counters at Chandigarh will definitely ease the ticket booking rush at the railway station and prepare it for more trains being started from the city.