As per the recent changes going on in Chandigarh, there has been a news floating all over the internet that the Registration and Licensing Authority [RLA] is going to launch a new camera-based innovative driving test system that is IDTS. This innovation has been planned to ensure the technology-oriented assessment of the driving for all people who are seeking for the license.
IDTS [Innovative Driving Testing System] Going to be Installed in Chandigarh
As per the recent media reports, Chandigarh RLA that is Registration and Licensing Authority is going to begin the new innovative driving testing system for those who are seeking a new driving license. This new system will improve the complete formulation of license authorities. With this new innovative way of driving test RLA will transform the complete licensing system. With this new innovative driving testing system in Chandigarh, the possibility of human errors is nullified.
According to the sources from RLA, this new IDTS that is innovative Driving Testing System is going to be installed within the time period of two months. This new system of the testing license will be soon installed in Chandigarh.
The project of designing this new IDTS technology was given to the Central Institute of Road Transport [CIRT], Pune. And as per the recent reports, this new IDTS system is going to be installed at the traffic park of Sector 23. This complete project is estimated to cost Rs. 2 Crore. Also, for this purpose, the existing system is going to be shifted to the industrial training institute in sector 26, Chandigarh for a time duration of a month. For the installation, a new track is going to be developed and cameras will be installed. All the applicants will be recorded on camera and the marks will be given on the basis of the performance without any human interventions.
This system of the new Driving test has been developed to improve the system of issuing driving licenses in Chandigarh. The soon to come, this new IDTS system will help screen the people with the best driving sense to get the license. Chandigarh will soon have a new Innovative Driving testing system installed.
Source – TribuneĀ