Chandigarh roads that currently have yellow coloured street lights are all set to bear a new look with white coloured LED lights giving more visibility and ease to those who love driving on city roads at night. Along with providing a better driving experience and excellent night-time visibility, this initiative of installing LED lights on Chandigarh roads will also save energy. It is estimated that the electricity costs will be reduced by INR 80 lakhs per month.
Where have these new LED street lights been installed in Chandigarh?
If you have travelled on the road dividing sector 34 and 35, in front of sector 35 showrooms, you might have already noticed the white LED lights. This road in Chandigarh is one of the first roads which now shines in bright white street lights. The work on the same road extending till Madhya Marg covering sector 21 – 22 dividing road and sector 17 – 18 dividing road will soon be completed. A total of 22,000 points at various areas in the city have been identified which will gleam with LED lights, changing the night view of Chandigarh.
The proposal to replace yellow street lights with white LED lights in Chandigarh was put forward by a private company named Energy Efficiency Service Limited (EESL) which claims that they will not charge anything to the Chandigarh Administration for the new LED lights. EESL will itself bear all the costs. Upon successful installation of these new lights, Chandigarh MC will share 40-60 % of savings on bills with the company.
How will LED Street lights affect Chandigarh?
With the replacement of conventional sodium lights with LED lights at V2, V3, V4, and V5 roads in the city, more power saving and better visibility to commuters will be ensured. It will not just help city residents but also commuters who pass through Chandigarh during night while on their way to Shimla, Patiala, Ludhinana or other destinations. These lights will increase visibility on the road preventing accidents and mishaps.
In case you are wondering what do V2, V3, V4, and V5 roads mean then let us tell you that in an effort to demarcate traffic circulation in the city, Le Corbusier had defined seven types of road in Chandigarh. While V2 roads are major boulevards, V3, V4, and V5 roads stand for within sector streets, shopping streets, and neighbourhood streets.
More of these white LED lights on inside sector streets might also help reduce thefts and crime in Chandigarh.
In this comparison picture above, it is clearly visible how LED lights are better than the traditional street lights. Chandigarh has always been on the forefront to introduce new things and be at par with other well-known foreign cities.
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