The advancements coming to Chandigarh are no less than a foreign country. You’ll agree to the points that Chandigarh Traffic Police is considered as one of the best and the most effective police departments in India. And this time, the news is about a technology that will send you a challan on your mobile phone the minute you jump a red light in Chandigarh. It might seem too technical to some of you but it is true and will be implemented soon.
Don’t think of jumping the traffic lights even if you don’t find a traffic cop. The moment you jump the traffic lights, you will receive a challan on your mobile phone. You will be notified about the offence and the penalty you need to pay for the offence. Read on!
How will it work?
Under this project, special cameras will be installed at all the intersections in order to avoid the violation of traffic rules. You alos might be aware of High-Security Registration Number Plates (HSRP). These special cameras will be able to read the HSRP number plates and process the information to find the car owner details.
If a vehicle fitted with an HSRP violates the traffic rules, the details of the vehicle will be automatically scanned and the owner of the vehicle will be notified immediately about the offence through a text message.
This means that if you are driving a vehicle which is registered in someone’s else name, then the vehicle owner will be sent the challan. This is how challans happen in foreign cities.
Pilot Project for Challan on Phone
Chandigarh’s DGP said that this project will be starting very soon as the Chandigarh Police wants to make full use of the advanced Technology in order to minimise human intervention. He further explained that RFID (The Radio Frequency Identification) which is attached with the HSRP will help the Chandigarh Police track the defaulters.
The project will be started this summer.
This technology will not let anyone escape from Chandigarh Police. Moreover, there are many people who jump red light just because no cop is standing at the light points. So, now onwards, this automated system of challan will send challan to your mobile phone as soon as you violate traffic rules in Chandigarh.