Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) Adds more Buses | Know Additional Buses & Extension of Routes

Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) has made many changes regarding the bus routes & much more for the convenience of the passengers. And even it has added many new buses in some of the routes of Chandigarh, Panchkula & Mohali. Also, CTU has extended the routes of some buses taking into consideration of a load of passengers in the buses in tricity.

With the new routes & buses, CTU has been aiming to make it more easy for the passengers of Tricity. Even it will be also helpful to reduce traffic in the shopping areas of Chandigarh. Check out the new buses route & extended routes of CTU buses in the city.

And the new additions of CTU buses in Chandigarh routes

Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) has introduced 3 new buses on Chandigarh roads. 2 of the buses have been amended in 5A and 5C route i.e Ramdarbar to Malloya & Malloya to Ramdarbar respectively. And this decision has been taken to reduce the frequency of running buses on this route from 20 minutes to 15 minutes. Now people traveling in the bus 5A and 5C route of buses will be available in every 15 minutes.

And also CTU in Chandigarh has added 1 new bus no. 22 from ISBT 43 to IT Park. As this route during office hours is the busiest route.

Extension & more changes in Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) Buses

Also, there have been many changes in the buses and some of the buses have been extended from its present destination in tricity. Here are the details-

CTU bus of route no. 32A has been extended upto new ISBT in Mohali, as currently, it was running from Mansa Devi to Palsora.

Also bus no. 213 which has been running between Mohali to Zirakpur has been extended upto Dera Bassi.

Even bus no. 240 and 2B running ISBT 43 to Mansa Devi & PGI to Mansa Devi respectively has been replaced by minibusses.

Also route no. 216 from ISBT 43 to Dera Bassi has been introduced to mini buses.

And the CTU bus no. 239C will now follow the route- Sector 9 market, 8-9 Gurdwara, Govt. Press in Sector 18, Neelam theatre & Sector 17.

So if you are a daily passenger of any of this route or bus no. in Chandigarh/Tricity do remember the same from now onwards.


Gurjit Kaur

Gurjit Kaur is a young and vibrant writer, who is passionate about media. Having done her MBA in media management, Gurjit loves to weave words in simple yet an elegant form. Her love for Chandigarh and the belief that "content is king" makes her an author on Chandigarh Metro. You may reach Gurjit at
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