Chandigarh’s UberMoto gets its first female bike taxi driver in the region. The 52-year old woman, Paramjeet Kaur, who drives Uber Bike Taxi also termed as ‘Baxi’ in Chandigarh tricity region hails from Mohali, Phase XI. Bagging the title of tricity’s first female Bike Taxi Driver with UberMoto in Chandigarh region including Mohali, Paramjeet Kaur could not be happier than this. Giving life goals to many women out there, Paramjeet Kaur driving her way through ups and downs of life with UberMoto in Chandigarh tricity region nails the art of living an independent life.
Here’s her story of life and how she became UberMoto in Chandigarh’s first female bike driver.
Chandigarh’s Woman Uber Bike Taxi Driver, Her Story
Having lost her husband in her youthful days, life did not come easy for this woman bike taxi driver for UberMoto in Chandigarh. On being asked, what motivated her to take up the profession, she excitedly tells her association with Uber. Having one car lent to Uber already, she did not hesitate to becoming bike taxi driver with UberMoto in Chandigarh to add to the financial independence and aid her family.
Her video interview wherein she narrates her experience of association with UberMoto in Chandigarh and plying on city roads as a woman bike taxi driver, Paramjeet Kaur being a 52-year old grandmother feels proud of her decision and gets applauded by almost all he clients from all the age groups she ferries with UberMoto in Chandigarh.
Here’s What UberMoto’s First Ever Woman Baxi Driver In Chandigarh Says
Meet Uber's first female driver for its bike taxi service in M…
Meet Uber's first female driver for its bike taxi service in Mohali, Punjab — A 52-year-old granny!
Posted by Hindustan Times Punjab on 25 जुलै 2017
Paramjeet Kaur, Chandigarh’s UberMoto Gem
Chandigarh is known for rock solid independent working women in the region. Being Punjab’s Capital, the women from Chandigarh are daring by birth, no matter what comes their way. With UberMoto launching Bike Taxis in Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali region, who could have thought that female drivers for baxis (bike taxis) with Uber could be seen roaming around the streets picking & dropping Uber users in the city.
Breaking the conventions and beating all the odds against traditions, Paramjeet has stepped forward to becoming the UberMoto’s first ever female bike taxi driver plying in the region. Mother to three children and grandmother to an angel, Paramjeet Kaur’s ‘age is no bar’ attitude has extended warm welcome by the clients she gives UberMoto rides to in Chandigarh tricity region.
The overwhelming response from clients in Chandigarh who sign up for UberMoto Baxi ride in the city beautiful is the motivation factor that drives her to becoming the a unique bike taxi driver for Uber in Chandigarh. We wish more women like her to step out and do what this First Lady of UberMoto in Chandigarh has done!
Source : HT