The official notification in relation to the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) has been released recently which announced that the exam will be conducted in the offline mode from 2019. Though the whole exam schedule of the CLAT Exam 2019 is yet to be announced, some of the changes have been proposed which are contained in the press release which was released in context to the CLAT 2019 Exam.
There are certain technical reasons owing to which, it has been decided that the CLAT 2019 Exam will be conducted in the offline that is the old pen and paper mode. All the changes which have been proposed and decided upon have been contained in the official press release that has been released.
CLAT 2019 To Be Conducted in Offline Mode
As per the technical glitches that have come across in some of the recent past years, it has been decided that the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) will be conducted in the offline that is the pen and paper mode from 2019. This decision of conducting the CLAT 2019 in the offline mode was finalised in the fourth meeting which was held of the Consortium of National Law Universities (NALSAR). This meeting was held in Hyderabad and a official press release containing the same notification was released following the same.
Apart from conducting the CLAT 2019 in the offline mode, during the meeting, the emphasis was also laid on the creation of the question bank as well as the ultimate need of the hour to have an increased quality of the paper. Therefore, adding to it, experts from the NLUs as well as other related institutions, will be asked for their contribution in creation of the question bank of the CLAT 2019 Exam.
CLAT 2019 | Exam Date & Other Details Here
The consortium of the meeting which was conducted also conversed and further agreed on setting up a CLAT secretariat as well as a permanent website that will be functioning throughout the whole year from the permanent officee located in Bengaluru.
The CLAT 2019 Offline Exam is scheduled to be conducted on May 19, 2019, by the National Law University located in Odisha. Every year, the CLAT Exam is conducted by one of the 19 National Law Universities in rotation.