The all India standup comedy show tour Shadows by Daniel Fernandes is soon reaching Chandigarh and his followers and fans as equally happy to see him performing live. Punchliners presents Shadows – A Stand-up Comedy Special by Daniel Fernandes, Chandigarh is hosted by Microphone Entertainment and is scheduled for March 24, 2018, at Punjab Art Council, Rose Garden.
The organizers are planning an extravagant show for the famous standup comedian, Daniel Fernandes and are expecting a huge crowd to see the artist performing live. He has been preparing for this live show, Shadows since very and is very keen to deliver it to the masses across India and beyond. That is the reason why the artist has kept the cost of entry tickets only for Rs 399 to Rs 499.
Comedy Show by Daniel Fernandes in Chandigarh Details
Date: March 24, 2018
Day: Saturday
Time: 7: 30 pm onwards
Venue: Punjab Art Council, Rose Garden, Sector 16 B, Chandigarh
Entry price: Rs 399 – Rs 499
Buy tickets from or
Hosted by: Punchliners and Microphone Entertainment
Details about the artist & main attraction at the show
The standup comedy show, Shadows by Daniel Fernandes will be the funny narration of his six years of rollercoaster life that has made him achieve this name and fame today. The artist has the great talent to be funny and to emote the crowd with his wit and humor. During his live comedy performance don’t restrict yourself from laughing as he knows well how to jostle the mind of his audiences and make the atmosphere more fun and entertaining.
Other than Chandigarh, Daniel Fernandes’s comedy show, Shadows is also lined up for other cities to happen including Amritsar, Jodhpur, Ludhiana, Manipal and Delhi NCR. The tickets for all his shows anywhere in India is available online on and Daniel Fernandes’s humor and his show are out of the box that it is sometimes recommended by the therapists to all happy people to lead a life full of fun and funny moments.
The entry to the event will only be given to those having the valid tickets. So, buy your tickets well in time to avoid any last minute hassle as the seats are very limited and ‘No Aadhar Details needed,’ says Daniel Fernandes himself 😉