CSIR UGC NET 2018: Last month Council of Scientific & Industrial Research started the online application process for the CSIR UGC NET 2018 December exam. As per the official notification the online form filling process for the CSIR NET December 2018 was scheduled to close on 15th October but at the last moment, CSIR extended the last date for the online applications.
A couple of days back CSIR extended the last date for the submission of application form for the CSIR NET December 2018 exam. Now the last date for the submission of application form is 17th October. All the candidates who are preparing for the exam and haven’t applied yet are advised to fill the application form on or before the last date. Here are the details.
CSIR UGC NET 2018 December Exam – Last Date For Application tomorrow
After the extension in the last date for the filling of application form, candidates got 2 more days to fill and submit the application form. The actual last date was 15th October 2018 but now the last date is 17th October 2018. After the 17th of October, the link for the submission of application form will close and after that, there will be no extension in the last date for the online application.
CSIR UGC NET December 2018 Exam
On the behalf of UGC, CSIR conducts the National Eligibility Test for the JRF (Junior Research Fellowships) and LS (Lectureship). This year for the December exam of CSIR NET, the process of application was started on 25th September. The candidates with the upper age limit 28 years are eligible to apply for the JRF and for the Lectureship there is no upper age limit.
The candidates can apply either for the Junior Research Fellowship or the Lectureship post. The CSIR will conduct the test in Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Mathematical Sciences. The tentative exam date for the CSIR UGC NET December 2018 exam is 16th December 2018.
The exam will be conducted in two sessions on 16th December 2018. The first will be the morning session and the second one will be conducted in the evening session. The timings for the morning session is 9 am to 12 noon and for the evening session is pm to pm.