Now the travellers of Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) in the city have to pay the increased fare from 12 March 2018. CTU after 4 long years has revised the ticket price for the public transport in the city. And the increased charges of CTU has been in between 10-50% hike as of the current price. Whereas the new rates in Chandigarh will be implemented from 12 March 2018 as per the direction of CTU.
From non-AC to AC buses, CTU has hiked the fare for all. Even the rates of daily & monthly passes for the travellers have also been increased. And now the commuters have to pay almost 50% increased rates for the travelling purpose in CTU buses. Know the revised price of the tickets (non-AC & AC) passes (daily & monthly) of CTU buses below.
Current fare for CTU buses in Chandigarh
Currently, Non-AC Bus commuters of Chandigarh Transport Undertaking use to pay Rs. 5, Rs. 10 & Rs. 15 for 3 km, 3km to 10 km & over 10 km respectively. Whereas for traveling in AC bus, one has to pay Rs. 15, Rs. 20 & Rs. 25 for upto 5 km, 5 to 10 km & above 10 km respectively. Till now, CTU commuters use to pay Rs. 30 for a daily pass in a Non-AC bus & Rs. 40 in an AC bus.
Also, the charges of monthly pass in a CTU Non-AC & AC bus as of now has been Rs. 500 & Rs. 720 respectively. But from 12 March 2018 the scenario will be changed for the travelers of CTU buses because from now onwards the fare will make you dig your pocket more.
Here’s the new CTU ticket & passes price in the City
After 4 years, CTU has been aimed at the hike of its fare & the same will be implemented for 12 March onwards. And now the commuters will have to pay Rs. 10, Rs. 15, and Rs. 20 for 5km, 5 to 10 km & above 10 km in a non-AC bus. As well as, the revised rates of the AC bus has been Rs. 15, Rs. 20 & Rs. 25 for 3 km, 3- 10 km & over 10 km respectively. Whereas the daily pass fare of Ac & Non-Ac bus has been increased from Rs. 40 to Rs, 60 & Rs. 30 to Rs. 50 respectively.
Also, the monthly pass charges of CTU has been revised from Rs. 500 to Rs 600 for a non-Ac bus & Rs. 720 to Rs. 800 for an AC bus. And the 33% rebate will be provided to the commuters below the poverty line. And also the age limit of the children not be charged by CTU has been increased from 3 years to 6 years. Now Children upto 6 years of age will not be chargeable in any of the CTU buses in Chandigarh.
Source: The Tribune