Delhi-Chandigarh air and railway connectivity had been badly affected due to the prevailing smog that has hit the national capital and also some other parts of the northern region. As per the report, smog has disrupted airway and railway connectivity as several trains and flights got delayed in the past one week. The services are being delayed for more than a week and travellers are going through harrowing experience due to the delay in travel time.
Delhi-Chandigarh flights affected, trains delayed
Smog has not only disrupted airway and railway operations in the national capital Delhi but has also affected services in city beautiful -Chandigarh. As per the report, around 12 trains and about six flights were delayed yesterday due to the prevailing smoggy conditions in the northern part of the country, Delhi being the worst affected city. Smog not only disrupted the railway and airway operations in Delhi but it continued its effects on the trains and flights scheduled for the Chandigarh railway station and the Chandigarh international airport. Though the trains and flights are getting delayed for more than a week as per the report, 12 trains and 6 flights were delayed yesterday.
Jan Shatabdi late by more than three hours
There has been a delay in several trains however, the Shatabdi that originates from New Delhi arrived the Chandigarh railway station on time. Surprisingly, the evening Shatabdi express, that was reported to be running late by at least two hours for in the past few days, was delayed by mere 10 minutes. The Jan Shatabdi was worst affected, as it was late by 40 minutes while coming from its originating station Una, but on its return from the Delhi railway station, the train was late by more than three hours.
Longer travel time in flight and train bothers passengers
It was not just the Jan Shatabdi that got delayed, as per the report, most of the long-distance trains were delayed to reach the Chandigarh railway station.
As per the report, Kalka Mail (Train number 12311) was late by 12 hours and 46 minutes, Unchahar Express (Train number 14217/18) by 14 hours, Barmer-Kalka Express (Train number 14888) was late by 2 hours and 26 minutes, Lucknow-Chandigarh was late by 1 hour and 35 minutes while the Himalayan Queen (Train number 14095 / 96 ) was late by two hours.
Source: Hindustan Times
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