The Turbanator of Bollywood, Diljit Dosanjh after Soorma has added another feather to his turban. The superstar of Punjabi industry and Bollywood’s star, Diljit Dosanjh has now to be featured in the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Yes, the fans of Diljit Dosanjh heard it right, very soon the wax statue of the actor will be featured in Madame Tussauds with other Bollywood celebs.
With the release of his Bollywood movie Soorma, comes the great news on the social media that Diljit Dosanjh will now be featured on the prestigious Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Even his recent release, Soorma review are very much positive from the audience.
Diljit Dosanjh’s wax statue to soon feature in Madame Tussauds
The official twitter account of Madame Tussauds Delhi itself posted an image asking the fans to guess the celebrity, who is soon going to get featured in the museum. The image posted by the official contains a Turban and goggles and it was written Do you know who is driving his Lamborghini in Madame Tussauds Delhi?. Yes, we can guess it, its none other than our very own Punjabi Singer Diljit Dosanjh. Also, the caption of the pic says ‘This Punjab da Puttar will make a larger than life entry in Tussauds Delhi soon. Can you guess who will be measured by our artists this Sunday?.
Even Diljit Dosanjh shared the post on his social media pages and asked his fans to guess the celebrity. Guess what? no one missed giving that thrown to one and only Sardarji ‘Diljit Dosanjh’.
Punjabi singer turned actor Diljit Dosanjh & his Bollywood movies
Punjabi singer turned actor Diljit Dosanjh debuted his Bollywood career with the movie Udta Punjab in the year 2016. His acting skills and looks won the heart of the audience and made his the Best Male Debut at the Filmfare Award that year. After that, he never looked back and shared screens with Anushka Sharma (Phillauri), Sonakshi Sinha (Welcome to New York), Taapsee Pannu (Recent release Soorma) and Kriti Sanon (upcoming Arjun Patiala).
Its time cheer up hip hip hurray for the one and only Diljit Dosanjh, whose wax statue is all set to get featured in the Madame Tussauds along with Madhubala, Salman Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Raj Kapoor and many more.