Diljit Dosanjh is once again all set to enthral the audience with his upcoming Bollywood movie Soorma. As the release date is getting near, Punjabi singer turned actor Diljit Dosanjh has been attracting his fans with Sandeep Singh look of Soorma. From his Facebook to his Instagram, each of his social media accounts has been decked up with Soorma posts.
The release date of Soorma movie featuring Diljit Dosanjh has been postponed & now it has been set to release on 13th July 2018 instead of 29 June. Excited to know more about Diljit Dosanjh’s upcoming Bollywood movie? Scroll down & read out each detail below.
Diljit Dosanjh New Look as Sandeep Singh for Soorma is promising
The first look revealed by Diljit Dosanjh took away many hearts as he resembles Sandeep Singh for Soorma. In November 2017, the turbanator Diljit Dosanjh posted the first poster look of the biopic of the legendary former Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh titled as Soorma. And the fans of the super cool Sardarji can’t get their eyes away from his Soorma look.
Recently, Diljit Dosanjh once again took over his social media & shared the second poster of his upcoming Bollywood movie Soorma. And it depicts half face of Diljit Dosanjh as Sandeep Singh & in the other half, it was written- The Greatest Comeback story of the Hockey Legend Sandeep Singh. Even it has been rumored that Sandeep Singh, who himself trained Diljit Dosanjh for the role, that too with the same hockey with which he uses to play in the field. Taapsee Pannu as Harpreet will also share the screen with Diljit Dosanjh for his movie Soorma.
Not only Soorma, there’s Arjun Patiala roped for Diljit Dosanjh for 2018
Not only Soorma, but there has been a great news for Diljit fans. The actor will be seen in two different roles that too in different Bollywood movies. First one is Soorma that is to be released on 13 July & another one is titled as Arjun Patiala that has been scheduled to be released on 13 September. Even Diljit Dosanjh has shared the first look of his upcoming movie Arjun Patiala & he made his loved ones amuse with a Policia avatar with Choocha (Varun Sharma) & Kriti Sanon.
Get ready guys to watch out Diljit’s multiple avtaar in Bollywood with much-awaited movies Soorma & Arjun Patiala in the year 2018.