Diljit Dosanjh has released the first and ever Bollywood song with lyricist Gulzar ‘Ishq di baajiyaan’ from the movie Soorma. Not only the first ever song with Gulzar Saab, but Ishq di baajiyaan song is also the first romantic track of Diljit Dosanjh’s upcoming Bollywood movie Soorma. Finally, the fever of Soorma starring Diljit Dosanjh is on with the release of Trailer & the first song ‘Ishq di baajiyaan’.
Earlier a week only, Diljit Dosanjh revealed the official trailer of his much-awaited Bollywood movie Soorma based on the real life of Sandeep Singh. Now the amazing first track of the same has been unveiled. Check out the all-new song of Diljit Dosanjh’s Soorma titled as Ishq di baajiyaan below.
Diljit Dosanjh Drops First & Ever Song with Gulzar from Movie Soorma
Despite being the first song of his upcoming movie Soorma, Ishq di baajiyaan is much more special for Diljit Dosanjh as it has been the first ever song of him with the legend Gulzar Saab. As a singer, its surely a dream come true for Diljit Dosnajh to voice a track written by the legend himself. Along with the lyrics of Gulzar, Soorma movie song ‘Ishq di Baajiyaan’ music has been composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy.
Singer: Diljit Dosanjh
Lyrics: Gulzar
Music: Shankar Ehsaan Loy
Movie: Soorma
Release date: 13 July 2018
Soorma has been the biopic of former Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh, who fought all negatives of his life and bounced back to the field like a warrior. Diljit Dosanjh has been playing the character of Sandeep Singh in Soorma, which has been scheduled to be released on 13th July 2018.
Official video of Diljit Dosanjh’s Soorma Movie Song ‘Ishq di baajiyaan’
With the meaningful lyrics of Gulzar, mesmerizing music of Shankar Ehsaan Loy & the soothing voice of Diljit Dosanjh, Ish di baajiyaan song form Soorma movie is not to be missed. Click on the play button and watch out the official video of Soorma’s first romantic song Ishq di baajiyaan featuring Diljit Dosanjh and Taapsee Pannu.
Diljit Dosanjh and Taapsee Pannu redefine the love in the field of Hockey with Soorma movie song ‘Ishq di Baajiyaan. Get ready to fall in love again with Soorma movie’s first song by Diljit Dosanjh.