Chandigarh Administration has decided to finally provide all the young entrepreneurs with an office space in the Entrepreneur Development Center (EDC). This property won’t cost you anything for first six months as general scenario tells us that funds are usually lacking when anyone plans to start a business and the rent/cost of the place adds to the trouble.
When you think about the word “Office”, you instantly conjure images of lights, cubicles, computers and machinery. Finding an office space is the major problem that most of the startups in Chandigarh find troublesome. Having an office space is necessary because it is the place where you can accelerate the collision between ideas among people, and enhance the productivity, learning and the value of your business or company. The city experiences a lot of people with all kinds of business plans and thus due to different people arriving here from different parts of India, this turns out to be a hub of mixed ethnicity. This amount of vibrancy adds up to make the Chandigarhians talented in all kinds of domains. But sadly, many a times this ideas though very successful back end business models may have been developed fail to make it to the forefront just because of financial inability. This is a great initiative being taken by Chandigarh administration.
Who can Reap the Benefits?
The decision has been taken to award and promote talent emerging from the reputed institutes of Chandigarh such has PEC University, Panjab University (PU) and Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology (CCET). The benefits will be provided to 19 selected youngsters for the period of the first six months and will be charged a nominal rent thereafter. EDC has been set up at Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Chandigarh and has 19 bays, out of which 11 bays are completely furnished. Remaining 8 bays are reserved for small and medium enterprises.
Selection Criteria
The department will follow tough selection criteria for giving space. The 19 bays will be given to the young talented entrepreneurs, who will be invited after following a rigorous selection process. A committee will be appointed to carry out the selection process which will comprise experts from the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) and others. Bays will be allocated to the selected entrepreneurs with best proposals. They will not be charged a fee for the first six months. Their performance will be reviewed and based on it, they will be allowed to continue with the same.
Though the selection procedure is tough, but those are really innovative with their ideas and thoughts will definitely be able to go through the selection procedure and get a bay at EDC, Chandigarh. This is definitely a good opportunity for the startup culture in Chandigarh.