Counted among the Facebook’s To Do list, was the task in which it was planning to help the individuals find the nearby free Wi-Fi hotspots and last week, the company announced that it is rolling out the new Facebook feature globally using which you can spot any Wi-Fi near you at any time.
Facebook will find you a free Wi-Fi anywhere-anytime
No matter if you are travelling and have a no internet access or if you are searching for a good coffee house near you to work for a few hours, Facebook, will now help you find a free Wi-Fi in your range anytime anywhere.
How to use Facebook Wi-Fi Hotspot Locator feature
Firstly what you have to do is, make sure that you are running the latest version of the Facebook on your Android or iOS system [for now, version for Android and 99.0 on iOS].
Steps to get this latest Wi-Fi detecting feature in Facebook
Step 1– Open the Facebook App
Step 2– Click on the Hamburger button [depicted as three horizontal lines], this is present on the upper right in an android app and bottom right on iOS.
Step 3– Tap on the “Find Wi-Fi” option.
Walla! You are all set and your device now can fetch all the free Wi-Fi connections near you.
Note: If you don’t see the “Find Wi-Fi” option immediately, then you might have to do some digging.
If you are using Facebook On iOS, then, it must be listed under Explore option and, if you are using Facebook on Android then, this option of “Find Wi-Fi” will be available in the Apps section and that can be seen under See All option.
Still, there is a case in which the option “ Find Wi-Fi” is not found on Facebook opened in iPad.
So, Enjoy the all new feature and detect all the nearby free Wi-Fi connections with all new Facebook “Find Wi-Fi” feature.
Source: Cnet, Image Source = Gadget Say