The Manje Bistre movie by Gippy Grewal has made history at the box office by grossing a total of Rs 15.5 crore worldwide in just three days of hitting the cinemas from 14 April. The Gippy Garewal starer Manje Bistre is breaking records on the national and international front. The light-hearted comedy that revolves around a wedding and a love story has proved to be a big time hit amongst the Punjabi audience in India as well as in Australia, Canada and UK.
The Manje Bistre’s Hit Story
The Manje Bistre movie is a 90’s period family drama comedy directed by Baljit Singh Deo under the production house Humble Motion Pictures of Gippy Grewal. It has a tadka of everything that guarantees full entertainment and ‘paisa vasool’. The Punjabi film has a strong music directed by Jassi Katyal, impressive Punjabi humor acted by the great artists like B.N. Sharma, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Karamjit Anmol and Rana Ranbir. And no movie is complete without a beautiful heroine in it and Manje Bistre has got a really beautiful one named Sonam Bajwa who has already won many hearts with her elegant on-screen presence and amazing acting.
The amazingly humorous dialogues and screenplay of Manje Bistre has been written by Rana Ranbir and Gippy Grewal.
Manje Bistre’s Collection So Far
The hit punjabi movie Manje Bistre has done amazing on everything be it in winning million of hearts or earning a lot of fortune. Lets checkout its box office collection in four days:
- Opening Day: 2.25 crore
- Second Day : 2.18 crore
- Third Day : 2.59 crore
- Fourth Day : 1.27 crore
- Opening Day
- UK: 26 lakhs
- Australia and NewZealand: 1.25 crore
- USA/Canada : 1.15 crore
- First Weekend
- UK: 90 lakhs
- USA/Canada: 4.06 crore
- Australia: 2 crore
- New Zealand: 56.7lakhs
- Fourth Day
- UK: 1.18 crore
- Australia: 2.42 crore
- New Zealand: 67.20 lakhs
That totals to Rs 5.11 crore on Opening Day Worldwide and Rs 15.30 crore in First Weekend Worldwide.
Relax Yourself On Manje Bistre
So readers if you still haven’t watched Manje Bistre so far then go watch it! It is guaranteed that you will fall off your seats laughing and hooting. Now running at:
- PVR – DT City Centre Mall , Chandigarh
- Fun Cinemas – Fun Republic , Chandigarh
- PVR – Elante, Chandigarh
- PVR Centra
- BIG Cinemas Zirakpur
- Kiran Cinema
- Piccadilly Cinema
Go and watch the movie if you have not watched it yet. Even after so many new releases, Punjabi movie Manje Bistre went houseful this weekend too.
Also, Check Out
Manje Bistre – Gippy Grewal Movie (Story, Cast, Highlights & Review)