Huawei Honor 9 was launched in the month of June, it will be launched in India soon. Now the company has launched a new variant known as Honor 9 Premium in Europe. Honor 9 comes in two variants i.e 64GB/4GB RAM and 128GB/6GBRAM variant. Honor Premium will come in a single variant with 128GB storage and 6GB RAM variant.
Price of Honor 9 Premium
The new Phone Honor 9 Premium is launched with a price tag of €450 which is approximately equal to Rs.33,000. While the top variant of Honor 9 was launched at Rs.28500 in China.According to the website Winfuture, Honor 9 premium will only be available in Italy as of now. Preorder of Honor 9 Premium starts in Switzerland as well. But the phone Honor 9 Premium will be available on or after August 28.
Specifications of Honor 9 Premium
Talking about the specifications of Honor 9 Premium the phone comes with a touch screen display of 5.15 inch. There is a 2.5D curved glass on the display. Honor 9 Premium is powered by a HiSilicon’s 64-bit Kirin 960 processor. The phone will run on Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. There is a 6GB RAM in honor 9 Premium smartphone and for storage, there is 128GB of internal storage. The storage can be expanded by means of microSD card.
In the camera department Honor, 9 Premium comes with dual camera setup at the back. The primary sensor of the dual camera is 12 megapixels and the secondary camera is of 20 megapixels. Honor 9 Pro comes with a 32mAh battery. Connectivity options of the phone include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G LTE, VoLTE, micro USB and 3.5mm audio jack.
Honor 9 Launch date in India
As of now, there is no news about the launch of Honor 9 in India. But it is expected the phone Honor 9 will launch in India in the month of August. It is expected that Huawei will launch Honor 6GB and 128GB storage variant in India in August.
To recall, a few days back Huawei launched Honor 8 Pro in India. Honor 8 Pro comes with a 6GB RAM variant and is powered by 1.8GHz octa-core Kirin 960 processor. The phone is backed up with 5000mAh battery. And there is a 12-megapixel camera at back and 8-megapixel camera at front. Honor 8 pro is priced at Rs.29,990 in India.