HSSC Recruitment 2018: Haryana Staff Selection Commission has closed the reopened application and tomorrow the commission will close the payment link for Recruitment 2018. In the mid of October, Haryana SSC reopened the online application process for SI and Constable post recruitment for the year 2018. Although the online payment link for 7000+ vacancies is all set to end by tomorrow.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission started the recruitment process for Si and Constable post for the year 2018 in the month of April. Then once again opened the HSSC Recruitment application 2018 by June and then reopened the same on 16 October. Know next step for HSSC SI and Constable recruitment 2018 below.
HSSC Recruitment 2018: Payment Link to Close Tomorrow for 7000+ posts
Haryana Staff Selection Commission once again opened the online application for SI and Constable post for the year 2018 in between 16 to 22 October. Now the payment link for the candidates will close on 25 October 2018 as per the new official notification for the HSSC SI and Constable Recruitment. A total of 7110 vacancies have been notified by the Haryana SSC to be filled for SI and Constable post for the year 2018.
Although the candidates who have yet not paid the application fee for the HSSC Recruitment 2018 have to pay it till tomorrow. Applicants who fail to pay the fee till the last date, HSSC will cancel the application form of the same and the candidates will not be able to sit for the written exam. Click here to make the payment for online application for HSSC Recruitment 2018.
Know the Next Step for HSSC Reopen Recruitment 2018
Haryana Staff Selection Commission after closing the payment link for the Recruitment of SI ad COnstable post for the year 2018, will scrutinise the application form. Once the process of scrutinising gets over, HSSC will announce the written exam date for the SI and Constable post recruitment 2018. Whereas afterwards, the commission will then release the admit cards of the candidates for HSSC Recruitment 2018.
Although the selection of the candidates will be carried out via written exam and physical test as mention by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission on its official notification for the recruitment of SI and constable post for the year 2018.