Institute for Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) Clerk Recruitment Exam 2018 is scheduled for January 21, 2018 and the candidates who wish to appear in the exam are all preparing hard to score well. Be it any examination, academic, competitive or for the recruitment, all of us are keen to know that what are the important topics to cover in the last few months of its preparations.
Here are some of the important questions that can come in the IBPS Clerk Recruitment exam 2018 that you all can practice during your preparation days.
IBPS Clerk Recruitment exam 2018 important topics
Apart from these the IBPS Clerk 2018 will have from General English, Hindi, General and Financial Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Computer Aptitude and Quantitative Aptitude.
There will be total of 190 questions of 200 marks and the total time given to the candidate will be 160 minutes. To attempt questions of General/ Financial Awareness, the candidate will be given 35 minutes in which he will have to answer 50 question of one marks each, to attempt 40 questions of General English of one marks each, the candidate will get 35 minutes while for Reasoning Ability & Computer, the candidate will have 45 minutes and 50 questions of 60 marks and 45 minutes will be allotted to the candidates to write 50 questions of Quantitative Aptitude of 50 marks. All the above-mentioned topics will be asked in English as well as in Hindi except the English Language test.
Questions asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims & can still come
The questions asked in the examination paper of the IBPS Clerk 2018 will be all story based, which will be around 10 in numbers. Therefore, candidates who will be appearing for the IBPS Clerk 2018 examination are suggested to practice comprehension passage type questions daily till the exam so that you will get to know how such questions are to be done. In the question paper of the IBPS Clerk 2018, will constitute more subcategories of questions which are given below.
Spot the errors
There will be around 5 to 10 questions under this topic out of which the candidate will be asked to spot the mistakes. In this category, the candidates will be given a few articles or sentences with some conditions, tenses, plurals, verbs from where the errors have to be spotted.
Jumbled paragraph
There will be around 5 question in this category that is jumbled and the candidates have to find out the first and the last sentences of the paragraph. This one is the easiest topic that will come in the paper of IBPS Clerk 2018.
Completing the paragraph
This is the newly introduced question in the paper of the IBPS Clerk 2018 but is the important topic. There will be blanks given all throughout the passage to be filled by the candidate. He/ She has to just find out the sentence that will correctly fit into the paragraph to make it complete.
Close test
In this question, candidates will be given a passage with blanks in between and they are required to fill them by writing the correct words in the same context.
Find the odd one out
Here the candidate will have to find the odd one out from the given sentences by matching any two with the common theme.