Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) Probationary Officer (PO) 2017 mains important instructions is something that every candidate must be interested to know. Preliminary of the IBPS PO 2017 is over and the mains examination is just around the corner on November 26. Now the candidates preparing for it must be trying to find out the quickies like important instructions, what all questions can be asked in the examination, marks allotted exam pattern, syllabus and much more.
IBPS PO 2017 mains important instructions
Starting with the important instructions of the IBPS PO 2017 mains exams, the candidates need to have an admit card/ hall ticket and have been read all the instructions carefully including the exam date, time and venue as written in the call letter for the IBPS PO 2017 main exams.
Do not be late for the exam. The candidates are required to report the examination hall before the reporting time. Those who will be late for the IBPS PO 2017 main examination will not be allowed to appear for the exam. Candidates are required to bring the call letter with their signature and thumb impression at the venue of the examination along with a photo identity proof in original and its copy, with your roll number and registration number on it. No candidates will be allowed to appear for the IBPS PO 2017 mains without the photo ID proof. The invigilators at the examination hall will take the duly signed call letter and its copy from the candidates who will come to write the IBPS PO 2017 main examinations. Listen carefully to the instructions given by the invigilators at the examination hall as you may get disqualified if you disobey any of the exam instructions.
More instructions for IBPS PO 2017 mains that needs to be kept in mind
Candidate appearing for the IBPS PO 2017 main examination will not be allowed to take any stationary items except pen, pencil, and eraser or any communication devices or any accessories or any other wearable that has the possibility of hiding the unfair means inside the examination hall. The candidates appearing on the IBPS PO 2017 main should not leave their seats until and unless they are instructed to do so. The candidates will be provided with separate sheets for the rough work which is mandatory to submit to the invigilator once the exam is over.
There will be a biometric data entering system used during the IBPS PO 2017 main examination where the candidate will have to give their thumb impression twice, before and after writing the exam. Those will have dusty or dirty hands should ensure to clean them up while those with injuries need to inform the concerned authority immediately.