IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam conducted in the month of October 2017 on various days has its examination analysis carried out and available online by various exam experts of educational sites online. IBPS PO 2017 preliminary examination result is expected sometime in November 2017 but its exam analysis has revealed data in terms of expected cut-off marks of the same online.
Aspirants who took the IBPS PO 2017 Tier-I exam this year in October can check the details of the expected section-wise cut-off marks and overall cut-off score of the exam here. No official cut-off marks have been released online, therefore candidates are advised to take these scores as tentative cut-off marks expected for the IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam this year.
IBPS PO 2017 Tier-I Exam Result Expected Soon | Check Exam Analysis Here
IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam result is expected to be released sometime in the month of November. The same has been deduced on the basis of past trends of the exam held by the ‘Institute of Banking Personnel’ which holds various recruitment exams for posts like Officers, Office Assistants and Probationary Officers. The same has been carried out by the IBPS via RRB 2017, PO 2017 exams held this year. An entire dedicated article for the IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam analysis along with the details can be read here. The exam analysis carried out by a team of experts on the IBPS PO 2017 Tier-I (Prelims) Exam revealed that certain sections were way too difficult than ever before which includes English Language section along with others having moderate difficulty level. The section wise analysis of the IBPS PO 2017 Tier-I (Prelims) Exam can be checked in the aforementioned link online.
The IBPS PO 2017 Tier-I (Prelims) Exam overall and sectional cut-off marks have been tentatively deduced on the basis of the above mentioned exam analysis. The intensity of questions put in each section along with the exam pattern of the IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam this year revealed the cut-off marks are expected to dip lower than the usual based on past trends owing to the difficulty level of the IBPS PO 2017 Tier-I (Prelims) Exam this year.
IBPS PO 2017 Prelims Exam | Here’re Details Of Tentative Sectional & Overall Cut-Off Marks
The English language paper which was moderate to difficult boasts of having 12-14 marks range marked as a good attempt in the IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam while quantitative aptitude section which was also of moderate level boasts of 15-20 marks as a good range of marks. The sectional cut-off score of the Reasoning ability which was easy to moderate in nature shall have 20-25 marks which were easily scorable as a good attempt.
This makes the IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam overall cut-off marks range from 52-54 marks out of 100 which is a quite a good attempt. Also, this cut-off score mentioned is tentative in nature deduced on the basis of this years’ IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam analysis only. As per the past trends comparison, it is highly expected to have higher chances of this cut-to dip further and go lower than these marks. Till the official sources reveal IBPS PO 2017 prelims exam cut-off marks, candidates are required to keep a tab on the official IBPS website at www.ibps.in online.
All the best!
Source: TimesNow