IBPS PO 2018: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has going on with the online application process for Probationary Officer post for the year 2018. IBPS has started with the online application for the PO post from the mid of August 2018. Interested and eligible candidates for the IBPS PO Recruitment 2018 can apply for the same till the last date i.e 4th September.
Although the applicants have also started preparing for the Prelims and Mains exam for the IBPS PO 2018. For all those who have not yet applied for the IBPS PO Post for the year 2018 can apply it on ibps.in on or before 4 September 2018.
IBPS PO 2018: Tips to Prepare for Prelims and Main Exam Together
Although for the first time, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has introduced a sectional timing in the Exam 2018. For all those who are preparing for the IBPS PO post Prelims and Mains Exam 2018, here are some tips to prepare for both the exam simultaneous-
For the English language and Reasoning Ability, no extra efforts have to be made by the applicant, as both Prelims and Mains Exam will commence the same syllabus for the subject. Whereas for the Section 2 i.e Quantitative Aptitude, in prelims lots of formulas and shortcuts for the same is to be memorized and for mains data analysis and interpretation need the understanding of charts & graphs. Another section is of General Awareness, where the applicant only needs to read a daily newspaper. Lastly, its the easiest section that is a Computer Aptitude.
Date for the IBPS PO Recruitment Exam 2018
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) on the official website has released the official notification regarding the details for the PO recruitment 2018. IBPS will conduct the Prelims exam for Po post for the year 2018 on 13, 14, 20 and 21 October. Whereas the qualifying candidates will appear for the IBPS PO mains exam, scheduled to be held on 18 November 2018.
Further, after clearing the IBPS PO Mains Exam, candidates have to go through a personal interivew round. Whereas the result for the final selection of (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) IBPS PO Recruitment will be declared in the month of Feb/ March 2019.
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IBPS PO Recruitment 2018: Here are Some New Changes by the Institute | Apply before 4 September