IBPS RRB 2017 Exam | Check RRB Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Duration For Various Posts Here

IBPS RRB 2017 Examination notification is out already online inviting applications from aspirants of the exam. Declaring the official notification via a detailed advertisement for the IBPS RRB 2017 Exam this year, the details regarding the examination have been released. Candidates interested in appearing for the IBPS RRB 2017 Exam this year are advised to go through the detailed notice available on the official website of ‘Institute of Banking Personnel’ i.e. at www.ibps .in. IBPS is the conducting authority of RRB 2017 examination to recruit candidates for ‘Regional Rural Banks’ this year.

Check details regarding the IBPS RRB 2017 Exam pattern, duration, eligibility criteria and much more here.

IBPS RRB 2017 Exam Pattern in General

For the post of Office Assistant (multipurpose) and Officer Scale-I, there would be two levels of the IBPS RRB 2017 Exam including Preliminary test followed by a Mains Examination of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam for those who are shortlisted via prelims. The examination syllabus being different for both the posts, the pattern of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam shall remain the same. Following a similar fashion of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam in prelims and mains, here are the details of the examination pattern, syllabus and duration of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam for each post.

IBPS RRB 2017 Preliminary Exam Syllabus & Duration

For Office Assistant (multipurpose) post, the preliminary examination is going to be an ‘Objective Test’ comprising of two sections of Reasoning & Numerical Ability of 40 marks each with 40 questions each to be completed within a fixed duration of IBPS RRB 2017 Preliminary Exam in 45 minutes. While for the post of Officer Scale-I, the preliminary examination of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam would comprise of Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude sections of the same format as mentioned above.

IBPS RRB 2017 Mains Examination Pattern & Duration

The Mains examination of the IBPS RRB 2017 Exam consists of five sections namely, Reasoning, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, English/Hindi Language and Computer Knowledge, each section of 40 questions each allotting different marks to various sections for the post of Office Assistant (multipurpose). The total maximum marks of the IBPS RRB 2017 Mains Exam which is also an Objective Type of Paper is 200 marks with an allotted time of 2 hours. While the mains examination of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam for the Officer Scale 1 post has a marginal difference of Numerical Ability being replaced by Quantitative Aptitude from the Office Assistant post with other specifications remaining unchanged.

IBPS RRB 2017 Single Exam Structure & Duration

The Single examination of IBPS RRB 2017 Exam is restricted to be conducted for the other posts like Officer Scale II & III. Officer Scale II is further divided into two posts of General Banking Officer & Special Cadre, syllabus and pattern for which is different from the rest. For the post of Officer Scale II (General Banking Officer) and Officer Scale III, the exam shall comprise of Quant, Reasoning, DI, Computer Knowledge, English/Hindi language and Financial awareness sections of 40 questions each with an allotted time of 2 hours. While for the Officer Scale II (Special Cadre) post, an additional section of professional knowledge consisting of 40 questions with 2 hours and 30 minutes of allotted time has been added besides the aforementioned syllabus.

For details about vacancies and detailed advertisement, click on the link mentioned below.

Source: IBPS


Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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