IBPS RRB 2017 Office Assistant Recruitment Exam whose result status has been declared online on the official IBPS website recently has the candidates eagerly awaiting for their marks scored in the prelims exam. The preliminary IBPS RRB Office Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 which was held in the month of September 2017 to carry out recruitment process for the eligible graduates as Officers in the participating Regional Rural Banks for the vacancies introduced in 2017. The aspirants of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 can check their result status and notification declaring the release of the marks of candidates online in a week by visiting the official website at www.ibps.in online.
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 | Check Official Result & Marks Notification Here
The Institute of Banking Personnel as a conducting authority for various recruitment exams conducted throughout the year to carry out recruitment process for various posts lying vacant in the Regional rural Banks has recently declared the result status of candidates who applied online for the IBPS RRB 2017 Office Assistant Recruitment Exam this year. Candidates could not gather the exact detailed result as only the ‘status’ of the result was revealed by the authorities for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 in terms of either the aspirant has cracked the exam or did not. No further information was revealed by the IBPS pertaining to the result declaration of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Preliminary Recruitment Exam 2017 this year.
Though, information regarding the official overall and sectional cut-off score along with the marks secured by the candidates has been revealed in the result status notification released by the IBPS online. The marks of candidates shall be released by the end of third week of October online by the authorities soon.
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Examination 2017 | Know Steps To Check Marks Of Candidates Online
The simple 5-step guided procedure to check the marks of candidates who appeared for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam 2017 whose prelims were held in the month of September has been clearly states in the steps mentioned herein. Candidates shall have to visit the aforementioned IBPS website and click on the left section depicting ‘CRP IBPS RRB’ link. Furthermore, candidates have to select the news tab depicting ‘Common Recruitment Process-Regional Rural Banks Phase VI’ wherein candidates shall be re-directed to a new page where an official notification shall be available declaring ‘marks of candidates in IBPS RRB 2017 exam’ online.
A further activated link for a stipulated time period shall be available for the aspirants who took the IBPS RRB 2017 Office Assistant Recruitment Exam prelims this year. Candidates can enter their roll number or registered ID along with the password or DOB along with the captcha code in order to access their IBPS RRB Recruitment Exam 2017 for the post of Office Assistant marks online. Follow the aforementioned steps to check the marks scored by you in the IBPS RRB 2017 Office Assistant Exam prelims this year along with cut-off score online.
All the best to the aspirants who cracked the IBPS RRB 2017 Office Assistant Recruitment Exam this year.
Source : IBPS