IBPS SO 2019: Insitute of Banking Personnel Selection has been going through the online application for Specialist Officer recruitment 2019. Although the institute has amended numerous changes regarding the SO Recruitment for the year 2019. From exam pattern to much more, IBPS has brought down many changes during the So recruitment 2019.
IBPS has begun the online application process from 6th November 2018 and will end by 26 November for SO Recruitment 2018. Check out the details of changes amended by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection for Specialist Officer 2018 Recruitment below. Also, check the exam details and more of IBPS SO Recruitment 2018.
IBPS SO Recruitment 2019: Know new exam pattern for the Candidates
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has rolled out a total of 1599 posts of Specialist Officer under various departments to be filled in the year 2019. Whereas the online application process for the same has been ongoing on the official website of IBPS i.e ibps.in. Check out the syllabus and exam pattern of IBPS SO Recruitment 2019 for the Prelims exam below.
Here’s the exam pattern and marks distribution for IBPS SO Prelims exam 2019- There will be a total of 3 sections in the question paper English Language, Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. English language will contain 50 questions of 25 marks, Reasoning will also have 50 question of 50 marks and Quantitative aptitude will have 50 questions of 50 marks. Also, the candidates will get 40 minutes to solve each section during the IBPS SO prelims exam 2019. Although for much details regarding the syllabus of IBPS SO Recruitment exam 2019, one can check out the official notification.
Know more changes for the IBPS SO Recruitment 2019
As far as the important dates for the IBPS SO Recruitment 2019 is concerned, the online application will be carried out in between 6 to 26 November 2018. Whereas the admit cards for Prelims exam will be uploaded on the official website in the month of December. Online prelims exam for IBPS SO 2019 will be held on 29 and 30 December 2018. Prelims result will be declared in the month of January 2019 ad the Mains exam for IBPS SO Recruitment has been scheduled for 27 January 2019. Final interview round will be held in the month of February and provisional allotment will be done in the month of April 2019 for IBPS SO Recruitment.
We wish all the luck to the candidates applying for the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Recruitment for SO post 2019. For updates regarding the IBPS SO Recruitment candidates must keep a regular tap on the official website i.e ibps.in.