CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination) has announced the much-awaited datesheet for it’s 10 & 12 Board exam that is all set to start from February month. ICSE & ISC students have been waiting for the time-table for a long time & finally, CISCE has come out with the datesheet for 2018 board exams.
The exam of ICSE students (10th Board) will begin on 26 Feb 2018 & ISC (12th Board) exam will start on 7th Feb 2018. Although the Council has also clear that these are not the final dates, as it may change further by the Chief Election Commissioner of India. Also, Board will be implementing the new passing marks criteria form 2018 onwards only.
Datesheet (Time table) for ICSE (10th) Board Exam 2018-
As per the time table released by CISCE, Board exam of ICSE students will begin on 26th Feb 2018. And mentioned is the detailed datesheet for 10th Exam Board of ICSE 2018- Paper 1 English (26 Feb), Maths (27 Feb), Commercial Studies- Group II Elective (28 Feb), Paper 2 English (5 March), History & Civics (7 March), Modern Foreign languages/ Second languages (9 March), Paper 1 Art (10 March), Geography (12 March), Hindi (14 March), Physics (16 March), Paper 2 Art (17 March), Chemistry (19 March), Economics (21 March), Group III Elective (23 March), Paper 3 Art (24 March), Biology (26 March), Paper 4 Art- German/ French (27 March) & Environmental Science (28 March).
And the passing percentage for ICSE or Class 10 students have been reduced by the Board to 33%. And the 10th board exam of ICSE will be ending on 28 March 2018.
Whereas here are the ISC (12th) 2018 Board Exam Dates
And 2018 ISC (12th) Board exam will be starting from 7th February & will be ending on 2 April. Check out the full datesheet of ISC Board exam 2018- Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry practical papers will be conducted on 7 Feb, 8 Feb & 9 Feb respectively. Whereas Home Science/ Indian Music/ Western Music Practical will be held on 10 Feb 2018. Physical Education- theory (12 Feb), Biology- practical (13 Feb), Accounts-theory (15 Feb), Home Science- practical paper 2 (17 Feb), Physics (20 Feb), Sociology (21 Feb), Fashion designing paper 2-practical/ Biotechnology (22 Feb), Computer Science- theory (23 Feb), Home Science/ Indian Music/ Western Music- theory (24 Feb), Maths (26 Feb), Paper 2 Art (27 Feb), English Paper 2 (28 Feb), Chemistry-theory (5 March), Political Science (6 March), English Paper 1 (7 March), Fashion designing-theory (8 March), Geography (9 March), Geometrical & building drawing/ Geometrical & Mechanical drawing/ Paper 1 Art (10 March), Electricity & Electronics/ Commerce (12 March), Paper 4 Art (13 March), Environmental Science- theory (15 March), Classical languages/ Indian languages/ Modern foreign languages (16 March), Paper 3 Art (17 March), Economics (19 March), Paper 5 Art (20 March), Biology- theory (21 March), History (26 March), Business Studies (28 March) & Psychology (2 April).
Whereas the minimum passing marks for ISC student 2018 has been decreased to 35 %.
Students are requested to keep tap on the official websites of the board for any further changes regarding the dates & much more of ISC- ICSE exam 2018.
Source: NDTV