Telecom operator Idea cellular has updated its Rs. 309 plan. The telco is now offering 1.5GB data per day at Rs. 309 and it comes bundled with voice calls and free SMS as well. To counter Jio’s data plans, Idea cellular has upgraded its plan within one month of its launch. Now, the telecom operator is offering as much as 50 per cent more data to its consumers in the same Rs. 309 pack.
Idea Cellular Rs. 309 pack now offers 1.5GB data per day with unlimited calling
Initially, the same Rs. 309 pack from Idea cellular, offered 1GB data per day. The plan came with a validity of 28 days which translated to 28GB 4G data to the consumers. The data plan was bundled with voice calling as well. Now, the upgraded Idea Rs. 309 plan offers 1.5GB data limit per day and this offer comes bundled with unlimited local and STD voice calls with a daily 100 free SMS.
The big news from Idea cellular has come to cater Jio’s appealing data plans. Rs. 309 plan from the telecom operator has been upgraded within a month of its launch. The upgraded data plan now offers 50 per cent more 4Gdata than the inaugural offer.
Now Idea’s Rs. 309 plan offers 42 GB 4G data
Idea cellular, instead of offering 1GB 4G data per day to its consumers in the Rs. 309 plan is now providing 1.5GB daily 4G data. After the upgradation, the telecom operator will be offering a total bundled data of 42 GB to its consumers in place of the earlier 28GB 4G data for the validity period of 28 days. Only the data plan has been upgraded in Idea’s Rs. 309 pack and rest all the offers such as free voice calls, and free SMS remains same.
Idea has upgraded its plan within few days after Jio’s Rs. 199 plan. Jio is offering 1.2GB 4G data to its consumers on a daily basis at the price of Rs. 199. This pack also includes other freebies such as free calling, SMS and roaming which come with a validity of 28 days.
Details of Idea cellular Rs. 309 pack
The revised Rs. 309 pack from Idea will provide the Idea consumers outgoing calls with a cap of 250 minutes daily. This limit on voice call will further have a cap of 1,000 minutes per week.
Once the minutes are exhausted, the subscribers would be charged one paisa/second for making a call. Free SMS count in the Rs. 309 pack will be limited to 100 SMS per day. Once the SMS limit is exhausted, each SMS would be charged at Re. 1 per local SMS. The pack will come with a validity of 28 days.
Source: NDTV