Day by Day Internet usage in India getting cheaper as the telecom operators in India are launching new offers daily to lure customers. Now Idea Cellular has launched two new attractive offers with 3GB Data and 6GB Data. These are the special recharge plans of Idea that offers 3GB data in the Rs.53 recharge plan and 6GB data in the Rs.92 recharge plan. Here are the full details of Idea Cellular Data Packs. Check it out.
Idea Cellular New Prepaid Data Packs
Idea 3GB Data Add-on Pack: The Add-on pack Rs.53 is the first pack that is recently launched by the Idea Cellular. This is an Add-on pack of Idea. In this pack of Idea, users will get a 3GB data with a validity of 1 day. The validity of the Add-on pack also depends on the existing plans of users. If a user is having unlimited data and voice plan then they will get the same validity as per the running plan.
Idea 6GB Data Add-on Pack: The Add-on pack Rs.92 is the second pack that is recently launched by the Idea Cellular. This is also an Add-on pack of Idea. In this pack of Idea, users will get a 6GB data with a validity of 7 days. The validity of the Add-on pack also depends on the existing plans of users. If a user is having unlimited data and voice plan then they will get the same validity as per the running plan.
Airtel Data Add-On Packs
Recently Bharti Airtel has also launched the Two new Data Add-on packs for its users. Airtel launched the Rs.49 Pack and the Rs.92 Pack. The first one i.e Airtel 49 Pack offers its users 3GB data for its users for the validity of 3 days and the second data add-on pack Rs.92 of Airtel offers 6GB data for 7 days.
Just like Idea Cellular Packs, these packs of Airtel also gives users the extended validity if they are on the combo packs with voice and data. The validity of the these packs will be same as the existing plan. Airtel is now also offering unlimited data usage after the usage of high-speed data usage (daily-data usage limit).