After launching various offers for prepaid users now Idea Celluar has come up with an interesting cashback offer of Rs.2000. This is the new cashback offer of the telecom company under which all the new 4G smartphone buyers will get cashback of Rs.2000. Like the Jio, Airtel Cashback offers, this offer of Idea Cellular is far ahead. The new cashback offer of Idea is available on any new 4G phone. While the Jio is offering cashback on selected smartphones and Airtel is also doing the same.
Idea Cellular Rs 2000 Cashback Offer
With the new cashback offer, Idea Cellular takes on Jio and Airtel. Under the new offer of Cashback of Idea, any user who will buy any new 4G phone will get cashback of Rs.2000. There are no conditions that only buyers of selected 4G handsets will get cashback. But to get the cashback of Rs.2000 users will need to use the Idea sim on new 4G phones and have to recharge their number with selected packs.
Under the Idea Cellular Cashback offer, All those users who will buy the new 4G smartphone will have to recharge their number with Idea Prepaid plan 199 for 36 months. The cashback will be in the form of two instalments. the first cashback of Rs.500 will be credited after 18 months and Rs.1500 will be credited after another 18 months (Total 36 months).
Jio Football Cashback Offer Vs Idea Cashback Offer
Recently Jio announced the Jio Football cashback offer. Under the Jio Football cashback offer, buyers of selected 4G smartphones will be eligible for the cashback of Rs.2200. The cashback will be in the form of vouchers. After the successful first recharge users will get 44 vouchers of Rs.50 each. These vouchers can be used for the next time recharge and only one voucher can be used. If we compare the cashback offer of Idea and Jio than Idea cashback and Jio Cashback are almost equal.
Jio is offering cashback on selected phones while Idea Cellula r is offering cashback on all 4G phones. In this case, Idea Cashback offer is best. But in Jio after the first recharge, we’ll get the cashback and we can use the cashback for the second recharge. In case of Idea, users will have to wait for 18 months to get Rs.500 cashback and for next 18 months to get the 1500 cashback. So, guys, you decide which one is best.
Source – Gad.Ndtv