IGNOU Fake Degree Scam: Indira Gandhi National Open University has been exposed under the fake degree scam. One of the prestigious and largest Open University, IGNOU has said to be providing degree without the exam as well. Although the case has come to light from Jammu & Kashmir, where IGNOU has distributed thousands of bogus degree to the stduents, who even not sat for the exam once.
Investigation on the fake scam degree in Indira Gandhi National Open University has been conducted by the J&K Crime branch. Even the case has also been filed on some people regarding the same but no arrest has been made till date. Although the Police investigation has been going on.
Here’s what the whole IGNOU Fake Degree Scam is all About?
Kathua district Police under Jammu & Kashmir received inputs regarding the fake degree scam at the Indira Gandhi National Open University centre. After the same, Police got into action and a name of Prashant Bhandari came into light for these fake degree. It has been said that nearly 4000 students in Kathua district have been offered Indira Gandhi National Open Unviersity)degree that too without appearing for the exam held in the month of June and December.
Also, it has been revealed that Prashant Bhandari uses to conduct fraud exam and give admission to the students in Billawar town IGNOU Centre, which established in 2014-15. Till date, the accused and his associates have provided almost 4000 fake degrees to the students without conducting any exam till date.
Now what IGNOU and Police Department is onto?
Indira Gandhi National Open University centre in Bhillawar also runs 2 admission session- one in January and another one in the month of July. Even 2 different exam sessions were conducted in June and December month. Every year almost 800-1200 students enrolled themselves from the Indira Gandhi National Open University centre in each session.
In the preliminary investigation, it has been cleared that fake attendance and answer sheets were submitted to IGNOU by using the centre code of nearby areas to get the degrees. Even it has been said that in this case some of the Indira Gandhi National Open University officials and post officers are also involved of making fake answer sheets at the regional centre.
Although investigation for the same has been going on, yet no arrests have been made by the Crime branch.
Source: Indian Express
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