In the month of February this year, Xiaomi launched two smartphones in India. The first one was Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 and the second one was Redmi Note 5 Pro. The Redmi Note 5 is priced under Rs.10000 while the Redmi Note 5 Pro was above Rs.10,000. Until now, the Redmi Note 5 was the only smartphone under Rs.10,000 with best specifications which is ruling the smartphone market under the Rs.10,000.
But now Infinix has launched the Infinix Note 5 in Indian smartphone market which is the serious competitor to the Redmi Note 5. Infinix Note 5 price in India starts from Rs.9999 which will really give tough competition to the Redmi Note 5. Here is the comparison of Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 and Infinix Note 5.
Infinix Note 5 Vs Redmi Note 5 – Price Comparison
The newly launched Infinix Note 5 price in India starts from Rs.9,999. The company has launched two variants of the phone in India. The first one comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage and is priced at Rs.9,999. The second one comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage and is priced at Rs.11,999. On the other side, Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 also has two variants. The first one has 3GB RAM and 32GB storage and the price is Rs.9,999. The second one comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage and the price is Rs.11,999. The price of both the phone is totally the same.
Infinix Note 5 Vs Redmi Note 5 – Camera Comparison
Talking about the camera of the newly launched Infinix Note 5, the phone has a 12MP camera at the back that comes with f/2.0 aperture and LED flash. The front camera of the phone comes with a 16MP sensor. The front camera of the phone supports AI beauty mode and AI Bokeh Selfie. On the other hand, Redmi Note 5 smartphone has a 12MP camera at the back with LED flash while on the front there is a 5MP camera. The Infinix Note 5 has a better camera on the front as compared to Redmi Note 5.
Infinix Note 5 Vs Redmi Note 5 – Specifications Comparison
Infinix Note 5 smartphone comes with a 5.99-inches display. The screen resolution of the phone is 1080×2160 pixels. The phone display has an aspect ratio of 18:9. It is powered by a MediaTek Helio P23 SoC and the screen is protected with 2.5D curved Glass. Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 also comes with a display of 5.99-inches and the resolution is 1080×2160 pixels. The aspect ratio of the screen is 18:9. The phone is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 625 SoC.
Infinix Note 5 and Redmi Note 5 has 3GB/4GB RAM and 32GB/64GB internal storage. The internal storage of the phone is expandable via microSD card. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 has a battery of 4000mAh while the Infinix Note 5 has a battery of 4500mAh. Both the smartphone have a fingerprint sensor at the