ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017 ‘Preponed’ & ‘Re-scheduled’ | Check New ‘Advanced’ Exam Date Here

ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017 for scientists and engineers has now been preponed by the authorities online. Re-scheduling the exam from last week of December 2017 to the second week, i.e. by a week, ISRO as a conducting body of the online Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017 has released an official notification online declaring the change. Aspirants of the ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017 for the post of scientists and engineers are notified to check the notification along with the fresh dates of the online test now. The admit cards for the ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017 have also been released online for the candidates to download in time.

ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017 Advanced By A Week | Check Official Notification Here

Preponing the most sought after ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017 held annually to recruit scientists and engineers from various disciplines, the aspirants of the online test are iterated to carefully go through the detailed notification online. The ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board i.e. ICRB based in Bengaluru is the conducting body of the prestigious ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017 for various posts every year. The Board has recently made a decision of advancing the schedule of the online examination aimed at recruiting Scientists and Engineers via the ISRO Online Recruitment Exam 2017. Preponing the complete schedule of the ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017, the authorities have also released the admit card along with the important instructions to the candidates who applied for the same online. Aspirants shall have to visit the official ISRO website at online to check the notification, rescheduled dates, download link for the admit cards & important instructions in time.

ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017 | Check New Rescheduled Exam Date Here

The ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017 which was earlier scheduled to be held by the recruitment board at a pan India level on December 24, 2017 shall no longer be conducted on this date. The exam has now been preponed officially and advanced by a week. The ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017 shall now be held on December 17, 2017 i.e. Sunday at the same exam centres previously allotted to the candidates who filled the online application form for the test.

The aspirants are requested to check their individual application statuses and visit the download link for the admit cards of the upcoming rescheduled ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017. The exam is going to be held this Sunday only and those who still have not come up to the terms of this decision by the ICRB for the ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017 are requested to complete all the document related formalities of admit cards and other necessary documents of support along with prebooking of their travel tickets to the exam centres lying outside their hometown. For details, click on the link below for official updates pertaining to the ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment Exam 2017.

Source : ISRO


Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at
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