Indian Space Research Organization has released an official notification for the post of Scientist/Engineer SC & Medical Officer. These Vacancies will be filled for Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR. All interested candidates who want to apply for the ISRO Recruitment 2018 can apply online from the official website. For more details about the ISRO recruitment 2018 candidates are advised to check the official notification. Here are the full details of ISRO 2018 recruitment for the post of Scientist and Medical Officer. Check it out.
ISRO Recruitment 2018 – Important Details
The online registration for the various vacancies in ISRO has started from 03 March 2018. The last date to apply online is 23 March 2018. All candidates are advised to fill the online application on or before the last date. The closing time of the online registration is 5 pm on 23 March. There is no application fee for the application process and the job location is Sri Harikota (Andhra Pradesh).
ISRO Recruitment 2018 – Vacancy Details & Education Qualification
There are total 25 post vacancies. For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Chemical Engg, there are 10 vacancies and the minimum education qualification required is BE B.Tech in Chemical Engineering with 60 % marks. For Scientist /Engineer Engg and Management post, there is 1 vacancy and it requires ME /M.Tech in Quality Engineering and Management with 65% marks. For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Thermal Engineering, there are 2 vacancies and it needs ME /M.Tech in Thermal Engineering with 65% marks. For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Machine Design in ISRO, there is 1 vacancy and education qualification required is ME /M.Tech in Machine Design with 65% marks.
For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Industrial Engineering, there are 2 vacancies and education qualification needed for the post is ME /M.Tech in Industrial Engineering with 65% marks. For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Industrial Safety, there are 04 vacancies and minimum education qualification is ME /M.Tech in Industrial Safety with 65% marks. For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Structural Engineering in ISRO, there is 1 vacancy and minimum education qualification required is ME /M.Tech in Structural Engineering with 65% marks.
For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC M.Sc. Organic/Analytical Chemistry there are 2 vacancies and it needs M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry /Analytical Chemistry with 60% marks. For the post of Scientist /Engineer SC Chemical Engg, there is 1 vacancy and needs ME /M.Tech in Chemical Engineering with 65% marks. And lastly, for the post of Medical Officer, there is 1 vacancy and minimum education qualification is MBBS with MD /DNB in Orthopaedics with 05 years experience.
ISRO Recruitment 2018 – How To Apply
Candidates can apply online for the ISRO 2018 recruitment. The online application process has started from 3rd March on the SDSC SHAR website. The official website to apply online is All eligible candidates may visit the website and fill the application form. Before applying online candidates are advised to read the official notification.
Upon the online registration, all candidates will be provided with Registration, which will be used for future use. All candidates will have to fill the valid email id and mobile number in the application form. After filling application form submit all details and there is no need to send the confirmation copy.
ISRO Recruitment 2018 notification