To counter over Jio 4G, Idea Cellular is all set to launch VoLTE services in India in early 2018. Yesterday Airtel announced the plans to launch the VoLTE services in India and Now Idea Cellular announced for the same. Presently, Reliance Jio 4G is the only Telecom Operator that have 4G VoLTE services in India. Reliance Jio 4G launched VoLTE services in India in 2016.
Jio 4G Effect: Idea 4G VoLTE Services to be Launched Soon
According to the reports of ET Telecom, Idea Cellular is planning to launch VoLTE services in the first quarter of 2018. Idea is targeting 4G network using spectrum band of 2300MHz and 2500 MHz. And this will be completed in this financial year.
Airtel 4G VoLTE Services – By March 2018
Yesterday Airtel announced to roll out VoLTE service in India. Airtel said in a statement that it will launch VoLTE service by March 2018. VoLTE services will allow users to call via a 4G network. The trial of Airtel 4G VoLTE is already under process in selected cities. And once it will get certification it will be rolled out in other cities too.
What is VoLTE Service
VoLTE is a short name given to Voice Over LTE(LTE is a 4G mobile communication standard). VoLTE in another word can be understood as HD Voice calling over LTE network. With VoLTE voice calls are very superior and clear. 4G mobile is different and 4G VoLTE mobile is different. A 4G mobile must support VoLTE to make HD calls.
VoLTE Service in India – Reliance Jio 4G is only One
Up to now, there is only one telecom company in India which is giving VoLTE service. Reliance Jio is the sole company that launched the 4G VolTE service in India with the launch of Jio in India last year. Reliance launched Jio 4G with VoLTE service in last year and gives free 9 months services with unlimited data and calling to its users. And in April this year, Jio launched its plans for customers. After the launch of Jio 4G, all other telecom operators reduced their tariff Plans to attract customers.