Reliance Jio 4G service has ended up with the Dhan Dhana Dhan offer in the month of July and the company has announced new 4G plans for their customers. Starting from Rs. 19 to Rs 9999, Jio has come up with multiple choice of 4G plans for the customers. In Dhan Dhana Dhan offer, Jio 4G has offered a plan of Rs. 309 but in the new Jio 4G plans, the company has also announced Rs. 399 plan.
Jio has started the free 4G services in India last year and from then till now, Jio has been giving surprises to its customers by launching exciting Jio 4G plans. From New year offer to Dhan Dhana Dhan offer, Jio has always made its customer smile with all its 4G plans.
Jio 4G: Comparision of Rs. 309 and Rs. 399 Plan
Jio 4G Dhan Dhana Dhan offer reveals the plan of Rs. 309 for the customers, but the new 4G plan of Jio has unveiled some more exciting and unbelievable offers in Rs. 399. Here’s the detailed comparison of Reliance Jio Rs. 309 and Rs. 399 4G plans for the new time period.
Rs 309 Jio 4G Plan- Unlimited Call (Local/ STD/ Roaming), Free SMS and 4G data 1 GB per day with the speed of 128 kbps with 56 days of validity. Earlier the same plan was for 90 days but now it has been offered for 56 days only.
Rs. 399 4G Plan of Jio- Unlimited Call (Local/ STD/ Roaming), Free SMS service and 1GB per day 4G data in the speed of 128 kbps with 84 days of Validity.
With the new Jio 4G plans, the company has only decreased the validity but the services are the same as earlier like unlimited calling, Free SMS and 4G internet data. Previously Jio customers have bought of Rs. 309 that has the validity of 90 days, but now the same plan has been revised to Rs. 399 with the validity of 84 days.
Other new 4G Plans of Reliance Jio
As mentioned above Jio 4G have launched plans starting from Rs. 19 to Rs. 9999. Here’s the details of all other plans of Jio-
-Rs. 19: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 200 MB data of 4G speed, 1-day validity.
-Rs. 49: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 600 MB data of 4G speed, 3-days validity.
-Rs. 96: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 1 GB per day data of 4G speed, 7-days validity.
-Rs. 149: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 2 GB data of 4G speed, 28-days validity.
-Rs. 349: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 10+10 GB data of 4G speed, 56-days validity.
-Rs. 509: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 2 GB per day of 4G speed, 56-days validity.
-Rs. 999: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 90 GB of Jio 4G data, 90-days validity.
-Rs. 1999: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 155 GB of 4G data, 120-days validity.
-Rs. 4999: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 380 GB of Jio 4G data, 210-days validity.
-Rs. 9999: Unlimited calling, Free SMS, 780 GB of 4G data, 390-days validity.
Choose the best Jio 4G plans as per your usage and recharge as soon as possible.
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