Punjabi folk song Kaala doreya gets a Neha Bhasin version featured in upcoming Bollywood movie Kaalakaandi. With Saif Ali Khan’s acting, Neha Bhasin’s voice has also justified the folk track Kaala doreya. Although its a Punjabi song but surely you have been listening to it for years in every wedding. And the same has been made available for download from various websites.
Neha Bhasin has been known for the songs like- Chann mahi, Nai Jaana, Laung gawacha, Swag se swagat, dhunki & many more. And now one more Punjabi folk song Kaala doriye by Neha Bhasin has been featured in the coming up Bollywood movie Kaalakaandi with all new taste. Scroll down & enjoy the official video of the latest version of Kaala doriya song by Neha Bhasin.
Kaala Doreya (Latest Version of Punjabi Song) by Neha Bhasin from Kaalakandi Movie
Official video of the Neha Bhasin’s new Bollywood track Kaala doriya features Saif Ali Khan & other actors from the movie. With all new avatar, Saif Ali Khan steals the show in the video of Kaalakandi’s latest song Kaala doreya. From dance moves to amazing lyrics, Kaalakandi’s song Kaala doreya has it all.
Singer: Neha Bhasin ft. Raxstar
Music: Sameer Uddin
Lyrics: Folk
Movie: Kaalakandi
Release date: 12 January 2018
Although it has been a Punjabi folk but the lyrics of the same has been lil bit changed- kaala doriye kunde nal adeya oye chota devra bhabhi nal ladeya e oye (2), chote devra te duri palie ve na lad sohneya teri ek parjaiye ve… Ho kaala doriya…. Likewise nai jaana, Neha Bhasin has also added humor to the new version of Kaala doriya song featured in Kaalakandi movie.
Official Video of Reprised Punjabi song Kaala Doreya starring Saif Ali Khan (Kaalakandi)
And here’s the reprised version of the Punjabi folk song Kaala doreya by Neha Bhasin featured in the upcoming Bollywood movie Kaalakaandi. Official video of New Bollywood track Kaala doriya has been picturized on Saif Ali Khan & other actors from Kaalakaandi.
After Swagpur ka Chaudhary song from Kaalakaandi movie, Neha Bhasin’s version of Punjabi folk Kaala doriya will surely win your hearts after her Nai Jaana track. Get ready to add the song to the list of wedding numbers.