Kangana Ranaut may have to undergo plastic surgery for the scar on her face. Kangana Ranaut was shooting on the sets of Manikarnika The Queen of Jhansi when she was accidentally hit on the forehead. Kangana Ranaut’s next project- Manikarnika The Queen of Jhansi was being shot somewhere in Hyderabad when she was accidentally struck by a sword on her forehead that left her in a pool of blood.
Kangana Ranaut admitted at ICU
Kangana Ranaut was shooting a sword fight sequence when she sustained an injury after being hit by co-star Nihar Pandya’s sword on her forehead. Seriously injured Kangana Ranaut was rushed to Apollo hospital and was admitted to the ICU. The doctor’s declared that it was a close shave for Kangana as the cut was really close to her bone. Kangana Ranaut had to get 15 stitches on her forehead as the cut was deep. The scar on her forehead is near Ranaut’s eyes and doctors have put Kangana Ranaut under observation for sometime before she gets discharged from the hospital.
Kangana Ranaut flaunts her scars
Rather hiding her scar Kangana Ranaut clicked selfies with the scar to flaunt it. It was reported that the bold and beautiful ‘Queen’ actress said that she felt a bit embarrassed to be thrilled because of the battle scar on her face. People from Kangana Ranaut’s team told her that the scar is like the Peshwa teeka worn by Manikarnika. Kangana Ranaut declared that it was a bit dramatic but she was excited to see her face covered in blood. Kangana Ranaut stated that it was due this accident that she was able to taste the genuine and authentic glimpse of the Queen’s life.
Kangana Ranaut may have to undergo Plastic Surgery
Kamal Jain, the producer of Manikarnika The Queen of Jhansi, stated in a report that the action scene was rehearsed numerous times. He also stated that Kangana Ranaut not in favor of employing a body double and was determined to do the sword scene herself. As per the report, the sword had made a deep cut between Kangana’s eyebrows but Kangana stood calm showcasing the brave side of her persona. Removing the scar of the cut as well as of the stitches won’t be easy and according to reports, Kangana Ranaut may have to undergo cosmetic surgery for removing the scars on her forehead. Even if Kangana Ranaut undergoes the cosmetic surgery she’ll have to do it after the completion of the shoot.
Source: Times of India