The comedian-turned-actor, Kapil Sharma is ready to resume shooting for The Kapil Sharma Show from next month and all his fans will be happy to hear that. Off lately, Kapil Sharma, due to his failing health and stress wasn’t able to concentrate on his work and decided to go on a break for a while. Even the legendary, Lata Mangeshkar who is an ardent fan of Kapil Sharma also shown her concern on his health issues and his show going off air.
The channel, Sony TV had confirmed media that they have mutually decided that Kapil Sharma should take a break from work, rest for some time, unwind his backlogs in mind and then make a comeback again with a fresh mind.
Kapil Sharma took break from work
Even the rumours were rife that the Kapil Sharma’s break wasn’t certain, which made people think whether The Kapil Sharma Show will ever see the light of the dawn on Sony Television again or not. When asked, Kapil Sharma told media that yes, he was suffering from high blood pressure due to stress from the past a few months. But now he is fit and is in high spirits to restart shooting for The Kapil Sharma Show all over again.
It is said that Kapil Sharma’s health has deteriorated post his mid-air feud with then the co-star, Sunil Grover who later made an exit from The Kapil Sharma Show. Sunil Grover;s exit along with other actors from the show led to the major dip in the TRP of the show and of the Kapil Sharma’s career. After a long negotiation with the SONY TV, where The Kapil Sharma Show is broadcasted, extended his one year’s contract to continue the programme. Also, in the meanwhile, Kapil Sharma and his long-time girlfriend Ginni Chatrath parted ways with who he had announced his wedding very soon.
Kapil Sharma now fit to resume shooting again
As published in media, Kapil Sharma took his treatment from Bengaluru and is now perfectly fine to resume back to work. The sources mentioned that he will probably return from Bengaluru by this month end and the shooting for The Kapil Sharma show will restart from October. Also, the actor Kapil Sharma finished the shooting for his upcoming movie, Firangi during his break from work. His movie is slated to hit the theatres on November 10.