Here comes a good news for all the Kapil Sharma fans. The Firangi actor, Kapil Sharma is making a come back with the bang on television. He has announced his return on the Sony television’s epic comedy programme, the Kapil Sharma Show and has started shooting for its promos from today itself. The actor who had taken a sabbatical from work last year due to his bad health and the promotion of his latest Bollywood movie, Firangi will now resume back to his comedy television show and will continue to entertain viewers on the small screen.
Comeback of The Kapil Sharma Show
With the commencement of the shooting for The Kapil Sharma Show promotions, it is expected that this King of comedy will start its telecast on Sony TV by the end of March 2018. Kapil who played the lead role in the Abbas- Matsaan’s Rom-Com movie Kis Kis Ko Pyaar Karu is now excited to play his second innings on the television. Rubbishing all the controversies and the negativity between him and actor Sunil Grover aka Rinku Bhabhi or Dr. Mashhoor Gulati. Kapil Sharma now wants to start a fresh and is even willing to get the latter on board.
Last year was a phase of hitch and glitch in the Kapil Sharma’s life. His infamous mid-air feud with Sunil Grover led to the decrease in the TRP ratings of his show, and exits of some very talented and famous actors from his show. Further to which his health deteriorated, aroused contract issue with the SONY TV which later got extended.
Keeping in mind his mental and physical illness, returning of many actors and superstars from The Kapil Sharma Show without being featured due to shooting cancellation, rumors of his broken engagement with the Fiance and the very less box office collection of his second Bollywood debutorial, Firangi. Due to all such things, Sony TV had then pulled The Kapil Show off air but now both the actor and the television channel is ready to relaunch the show and the talks between both the parties are in full swing.
More details about actors and show timings
None from the production house of The Kapil Sharma Show or Sony TV has confirmed the names of the actors who will be the part of the show but it is rumored that along with previously involved actors like Kiku Sharda, Chandan Prabhakar, Sumona Chakravarty and Rochelle Rao, the relaunch of the show may bring some new faces on board with new characters. The Kapil Sharma show timings are also yet to be announced officially.
Source: Amar Ujala