Ranjit Bawa’s much-awaited Punjabi movie Khido Khundi’s official trailer has been released on youtube & it has left everyone spellbound. Another great Punjabi movie Khido khundi has been roped by the director (Rohit Jugraj) of Jatt James Bond, Sardarji & Sardarji 2. From dedication to inspiration, family emotions to a set goal, the trailer of Khido khundi featuring Ranjit Bawa has accumulated all these. Not just a sport based film, but it is much more than that.
Upcoming movie from Rohit Jugraj, Khido Khundi along with Ranjit Bawa also features Mandy Takhar, Guggu Gill, Manav Vij & more. Whereas the movie will be a debut one for Elnaaz Norouzi. Based on true stories, Punjabi movie Khido Khundi will be released on 20th April, till then enjoy the official trailer of Ranjit Bawa’s upcoming movie below.
Ranjit Bawa’s New Punjabi movie Khido Khundi Official trailer Out. Know Story
As per its name, it was quite clear that Ranjit Bawa’s upcoming Punjabi movie will be based on Hockey. And for sure it has the same element in it as shown in the trailer of Khido Khundi. But the add-on factors of Khido Khundi is that it has a blend of emotions, desperation, inspiration & more. The World knows that Punjab & Punjabis have taken the level of Indian hockey to another level and Khido khundi has depicted that hard work on screen.
Cast: Ranjit Bawa, Mandy Takhar, Guggu Gill, Manav Vij, Elnaaz Norouzi (debut) & more
Story: Amit Khan
Producer: Talwinder Hayre & Kavanjit Hayre
Director: Rohit Jugraj
Release date: 20th April 2018
The story of Khido Khundi has based on the village Sansarpur (Punjab) which has given 15 Olympians to India, but now they have been forgotten. And the movie Khido Khundi has shown the bravo 2 brothers, who have been desperate & dedicated to the game of Hockey despite all hardships they face in life. Also, Rohit Jugraj’s directorial Khido Khundi has focused on Punjab, Punjabis & their love for Hockey.
Watch the Official trailer of Upcoming Punjabi movie Khido Khundi
Here releases the trailer of much talked about Punjabi movie of 2018, Khido khundi featuring Ranjit Bawa & it’s just an epic one. Click on the play button in the mid of the embedded official trailer video of upcoming Punjabi movie Khido khundi & enjoy the same.
From sporty feel to family emotions, an inspiration to success, Ranjit Bawa’s Khido khundi movie trailer has shown the blend of all in one frame. It has surely left a great impact on the audience that has made them wait for the full Punjabi movie Khidi khundi starring Ranjit Bawa & Mandy Thakar, to be released on 20th April 2018.