Last month Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) conducted the exam for the post of TGT, PGT, PRT and Librarian posts. KVS conducted the exam for the PRT and Librarian posts on 22nd December and 23rd December. Now the KVS has released a notice regarding the answer key and OMR sheet for all the candidates who appeared in the exam. The answer key and OMR sheet are available on the official website Here are the details.
KVS Recruitment – OMR Sheet & Answer Key For PRT (Music) & Librarian Post Exam
The candidates who have appeared in the KVS Recruitment examination held in the month of December last year can check the answer key and OMR sheet on the official website. The candidates can also download the OMR Sheets and Answer Key from the official website. The link is now active on the official website Along with the answer key and OMR sheets, the KVS has also invited challenges from the candidates against any answer key.
The online challenge against any answer key can be submitted online on the official website from today onwards. The last date to submit the challenges online against any answer key is 3rd January 2019 till 5 pm. The candidates have to submit challenges online in a prescribed format. No other mode of submitting challenges except the online mode will be entertained. After the last date candidates won’t be able to submit challenges online.
KVS Recruitment 2018
In the month of August 2018, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan released an official notification for the recruitment of candidates for the post of Principal, Vice Principal, TGT, PGT, PRT and Librarian posts. The exam for the Principal and Vice Principal posts in KVS was held in the month of November while the exam for the PGT, PRT, TGT and Librarian posts was held in December.
As per the notice released by KVS last year, there are total 50 vacancies for the post of Librarian and 201 vacancies for the post of PRT (Music). There are 5300 vacancies for the PRT (Group B). For the TGT posts, there are 1900 vacancies and 592 vacancies.
KVS Official Notice Regarding Answer Key, OMR Sheet and Answer Key Challenge