The much awaited official trailer of Neeru Bajwa & Ammy Virk’s upcoming Punjabi movie Laung Laachi has been out. And with a tadka of romance & drama, Laung Lacchi movie trailer has surely impressed the audience. Amberdeep Singh as one of the lead actor has been debuting with latest Punjabi movie Laung Laachi alongside Neeru Bajwa.
Along with Neeru Bajwa, Ammy Virk & Amberdeep Singh, Amrit Maan & Veet Baljit will also be seen in the movie Laung Laachi. Amberdeep’s acting has sure shot made the Punjabi movie a must watch one. Punjabi movie Laung Laachi will be releasing on 9th March 2018.
Neeru Bajwa & Ammy Virk’s New Punjabi movie Laung Laachi Official Trailer Out
As per the trailer of latest Punjabi movie Laung Laachi, the story of the same has been based on Neeru Bajwa (Laachi) & Amberdeep Singh, who has been married but act as a girlfriend-boyfriend as per the demand of his wife. As she expresses to him that she wanted to marry after love. And this game turns when the girl started working in Abroad & fall in love with a guy (Ammy Virk). But the twist is that he never revealed the truth of her marriage to him.
Starring: Neeru Bajwa, Amberdeep Singh, Ammy Virk, Amrit Maan, Veet Baljit, Nirmal Rishi, Hobby Dhaliwal & more
Story: Amberdeep Singh
Producer: Bhagwant Virk & Nav Virk
Directed by: Amberdeep Singh
Release date: 9th March 2018
Let’s see watch happen in Laachi’s life, will she continue her marriage with Amberdeep or leave him and marry another guy (Ammy) whom she started loving in her workplace? Will the family agree to do so? WIll her husband allows her to do so? All will be revealed in theatres on 9th March 2018, after the release of Neeru Bajwa & Ammy Virk’s upcoming Punjabi movie Laung Laachi.
Official Trailer of Latest Punjabi Movie Laung Laachi starring Amberdeep Singh
Amberdeep Singh has also written & directed the Punjabi movie Laung Lachi, but in its trailer, he has left a spellbound impression on the audience with his acting. For sure the trailer has expressed the blend of feelings & emotions of the couple. Click on the play button below & watch out the official trailer of Laung Lacchi.
In 2017, Neeru Bajwa debuted as a director with Sargi movie & once again bounced back to acting with Jindua & now its turn for Laung Laachi. Also, Punjabi singer-cum-actor Ammy Virk seems busy in his acting career, as after Laung Laachi he has started shooting for his upcoming movie Qismat with Sargun Mehta that is to be released in September. And this is one of the superhit songs of Ammy Virk & Sargun Mehta, that has been released last year only.
We wish all the luck to Laung Laachi team & expect that the film surely impresses the audience with the mix of feeling & emotions.