Lenovo K8 note will be Amazon exclusive in India. Chinese smartphone maker-Lenovo has planned to launch new smartphone Lenovo K8 Note on August 9. The company has been teasing on its official social media channels for the past few days regarding its upcoming launch but now the company has decided that new smartphone Lenovo K8 note will be exclusively launched on Amazon. The famous e-commerce platform is showcasing a teaser, hinting about the availability of the device on Amazon.
Features & Specifications of Lenovo K8 Note
Lenovo last major release was k6 Note and it was expected that brand will launch K7 next. But the company has posted on the official page of twitter that they are coming up with Lenovo K8 Note. The smartphone is fixed to launch on August 9 in India. The device is expected to come with 4GB Ram and Android 7.1.1. The company has posted a video teaser on the official site claiming that new launch would be a killer device and will subsume the competition in the market. The detailed information about price and specifications of Lenovo k8 Note has not been released yet.
The details released so far about Lenovo K8 Note are mentioned below. The Smartphone is expected to sport a 5.5-inch screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Lenovo killer phone will have ram of 4GB and the operating system is going to be the Android 7.1.1 though Lenovo will assure of an upgrade to the Android O. Company has not disclosed the internal memory and other details about the smartphone. Lenovo k8 Note is specified to have a dual camera setup in the rear through their precise specs are not available yet. The smartphone will have MediaTek Helio X20 (deca-core) processor with its clocking speed at 1.39GHz.
Lenovo K8 Note in India
Tech people can make assumptions about other specifications on basis of ones already found in predecessor smartphone Lenovo K6 Note. It is possible that company might retain the battery power to 4000 mAh level. It is worth noting that smartphone will be available exclusively on Amazon. Stay tuned for more updates on this proposed ‘killer’ phone from Lenovo, after the official launch of Lenovo K8 Note on August 9.
Source: 91 Mobiles